
The Conservative Party ad features a photo of the MV Sun Sea which arrived off the shores of British Colombia in August last year with 491 Tamil refugees fleeing war and persecution from Sri Lanka-a country marred by allegations of human rights violations, the denial of fundamental civil liberties, and extrajudicial killings. It calls the Tamils aboard "criminals" who trying to abuse Canadian generosity.
"This election ad is xenophobic and borders on racism," said Krisna Saravanamuttu, NCCT spokesman. "It is reminiscent of the political rhetoric used to turn back Sikhs and Hindus on board the Kamagata Maru in 1914, and Jewish refugees on board the MS St. Louis fleeing persecution in 1939. In these cases, refugees fleeing persecution were labeled "criminals" and vilified by politicians appealing to the worst instincts of Canadians to score political points and votes."
"We are confident that Prime Minister Harper would not have approved this ad, if he had seen it," said Saravanamuttu. "We urge the Prime Minister to review the ad and do the right thing by removing it from his party's campaign website as well as the party's You Tube account and apologize for labeling refugees and immigrants as criminals."
The NCCT also calls on the leaders of Canada's major political parties, Conservative candidates, and human rights groups like the Canadian Jewish Congress, Bnai Brith, and Amnesty International to review the CPC ad and join with us in calling for its retraction. "This election should be about uniting Canadians, no matter our ethnicity and how we arrived in Canada," noted Saravanamuttu.
You can see the ad via a link through the links above. Sorry. Blogger is screwing up Youtube embeds as well these days.
This is CPoC star candidate, Jean-Guy Dagenais, current President of the Quebec provincial police union, on the gun registry (in a crappy machine-translation):
A federally financed, but provincially administered gun registry seems to be what he's talking about. I wonder if this might be a way forward? The provinces with some pride and a social conscience maintain the registry with federal funds. Out West they slaughter one another with wild abandon.
PS. Has anyone else noticed that blogger's text formatting is all screwed up? I'm having to add paragraph breaks manually. And the spacing sucks.
Wonder if this is real or a put-on. "Affiliated" is spelled wrong, but then, they are supposed to be a right-wing front. Anyway, you can send a writing sample to job-f922t-2291333753@craigslist.org.
Be sure to make up some facts.
And the funny thing is, the exercise hasn't saved them a penny.
Although I'd like to think I put it a bit more elegantly. And I don't mind helping Iggy out, but if he wins the cost is going to be two (2) Senate seats. One for me, and one for my wife. And I want them close to the aisle, for bathroom breaks, and a pass to the Senate cafeteria. I don't need a big office, as I'll sleep when the upper chamber is in session, like everyone else.
Anyway, he can email me for a full list of my demands.
And, by the way...was that so hard? Two years to prepare for this day and this question--Coalition or no, Iggy?--and it gets fluffed.
If you remember, Uppal was parachuted into the riding in '08 over the wishes of the local EDA. Ken Epp, the guy he was replacing, refused to endorse him. Still not much of a chance of a Lib or Dipper coming up the middle though, based on 2008's result.
Apparently, Charles Adler (an FNN employee, by the way) is demanding a boycott of anyone who won't carry them. Remember folks, this is a news station that hasn't reached 1,500 Facebook followers! They're a force to be reckoned with...primarily by ignoring 'em.
My opinion of the recent LPoC hard-line is that its meant to lay some discipline on the NDP. Jack Layton can either cave for peanuts, or hobble through the next campaign with a gimpy leg and a throbbing prostrate. Oh NDP readers! It's time for YOU to justify the surrendering of your ideals and wear that shit-eating grin. Enjoy. As a Liberal I can tell you: pain builds character.
Interesting that they haven't decided at this late date. The rumour is they thought about it but decided to carry the chicken channel instead. After all, would you rather watch a juicy chicken roasting over a spit or this?
It also turns out that Hoover's paper will be the JoC's swan song; they're going out of business. A press release announcing that fact can be found here. Its a stem-winder, and doesn't do much to dispel the scent of madness around the journal.
Mr. Hoover also gave broke the news of his research through FOX, so that too bodes ill.
Much as I'd like this one to be true, I think it will all end in tears and NASA will wind up with a black-eye over it. Crazy NASA scientist. Let's cut their budget. That kind of thing.
Dr. Hoover's paper can be found here.