Yo drunken young liberals, if you're reading this on one of your fancy PDA's, watch out for a mean looking bald guy! Also, settle down, if you're this pissed now you'll be asleep by dinner-time.

Now you can argue that stories like this, and like this, are all (as the dude from TDH maintains) ploys designed to manipulate the minds of Liberal delegates. But I think that the further you move from unidentified "senior government officials", like those quoted in the Canada.com story, and towards the random wingnuts that write for publications like CanadaFreePress, the less convincing this explanation becomes: the idea that the Consrvative fringe moves in lockstep with the party apparatus simply does not seem plausible.
It is equally likely, in fact more likely, that Conservatives are coming to appreciate what the rest of us already know: Iggy is both loquacious and prone to verbal gaffes.
The GOP seems to have handled its ouster from power with some aplomb, but this split may have ominous repercussions for them going forward. The perception among social Conservatives that the two parties are "just the same" when it comes to values may send more of their votes to the Dems on issues (like environmental ones) where their views are often at odds with the stated position of GOP.