Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where The Nuts On The Right Meet The Nuts On The Left

Eric Margolis channels Mo Elmasry, as both praise Robert Mugabe. Must be fun to be a columnist and have stupid opinions for money.


Anonymous said...


"Eric Margolis channels Mo Elmasry, as both praise Robert Mugabe. Must be fun to be a columnist and have stupid opinions for money."

It must also be fun to have a blog and criticize other people's opinions,without giving any reason for it or you're own opinion to counter them. Isn't that right Mr.Murphy hummm?

bigcitylib said...

I thought that was contained in the "praising Robert Mugabe" bit.

Red Tory said...

It's a pretty stunning bit of relativism, but Margolis isn't entirely wrong.

Anonymous said...

To Mr.Murphy

"I thought that was contained in the "praising Robert Mugabe" bit."

Not everyone who read these article's may or may not find it stupid. Now I'm not saying that it is or that it's not stupid.

But Isn't the reason why we have blog's,is to give our own opinions why we think someone is wrong.

If anonymous would come and post on you're blog saying that Mr.Dion's liberal's would be bad for this country,if they should win the next election.

Probably you're reaction would be why. Isn't that correct? Well same principle here I think.

Ti-Guy said...

I though Margolis's column was pretty good. It isn't fulsome praise for Mugabe; he's just making a point about hypocrisy.

bigcitylib said...

Its the same point Elmasry makes, but that it doesn't make it a good thing that Mugabe didn't bend to the G8. Afterall, Zimbabwe had a free and fair election and M. lost; that's why he rigged the runoff. The G8 asked for a peaceful resolution to the crisis and he said No. How does whats happening in Nigeria make that a good thing?

Ti-Guy said...

How does whats happening in Nigeria make that a good thing?

Because overlooking Nigeria (a powerful, populous country with strategic resources) is how we end up with bigger problems down the road.

Auntie Liberal said...

Who is on the right in your header?

bigcitylib said...

Margolis is the man on the right.