...is the more famous, in fact it is supposed to be one of the most repoduced photographs on the planet.
In any case, the Cottingley house, containing the garden where Elsie and Frances cavorted with their fairies is now up for sale (£154,995). As it turns out, its the end unit on an old row house:
Ah well, when fantasy meets reality, reality usually loses. The garden, however, is still there, and still a little bit uncanny.
I have emailed the Realtor in question to see if there is any connection to the original inhabitants (the Wright's, I think). Will update if I hear anything.
h/t CFI blog.
I know what side I'm on. Mind you, Ezra says he "despises" both factions equally, but then Ezra couldn't pick up chicks on a radar screen.
Meanwhile, online investigator extraordinaire "Buckets" has been quietly chipping away at an answer to the most interesting question that will be raised during the course of this hearing: did Richard Warman post racist remarks using the pseud "90sAREover" to Freedomsite (a Nazi forum) in 2003?
There is more detail in my previous posts on the topic, but in short: the claim that Warman did make such a posting is based entirely on the fact that, later in 2003, he messaged Freedomsite under the name of Lucy from the same Rogers IP address ( previously assigned to 90sAREover.
And, in short, Bucket's research challenges the reasoning behind this claim (which is, essentially, that once you get a Rogers address assigned to you, you are stuck with it for months or years at a time).
Bucket's rather ingenious method was to, painstakingly and at length, examine wikipedia edits (and other sources) from the time-period in question looking for this particular IP address, and other Rogers IP addresses, and track what happened to them, sometimes on a minute by minute basis. His general conclusion? They're fluid, baby, real fluid! Anyone assigned the IP in question might also have been assigned one of at least 16 other IP addresses, and anyone assigned one of these other IP addresses might also have been assigned, during their very next on-line session, or even during the course of the same on-line session, the IP
Here's the money quote from his summary thread:
Have a good Easter everyone, and happy hunting Buckets! And everyone beware them Nazis!