Thursday, January 08, 2009

Speechy War Officially Over. Speechys Lose

Stephen Harper "has no plans" to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to prevent unwarranted interferences in free expression by human rights commissions.

...which explains maybe why Ezra has gone off his exclusive HRC diet the last couple of weeks. He sees a revenue stream drying up.


Ti-Guy said...

Oh, it can be resurrected at a moment's notice.

The brain-dead wingnuts are just aching for an Alpha of some kind to tell them what to get angry about.

Anonymous said...

WOW I think congrats are in order to the few who have been sticking their neck out on this here is my list:

1. Richard Warman
2. Warren Kinsella
3. Bernie Farber
4. BCL
5. Dr. Dawg

And yes Ezra Levant---why?---Because without the inane stupidity of his hyperbolic posts people may have actually taken him seriously

Werner George Patels said...

..which explains maybe why Ezra has gone off his exclusive HRC diet the last couple of weeks.

And it also explains why his prescriptions were changed for stronger stuff.

Poor Ezra ... NOT!

Unknown said...

Well that's a fine bit of revisionism. I certainly hope you had a wry smile on your face when typing that headline BCL.

The HRC's have been properly chastened by the public. They won't be so quick to harass Canadians again.

Unknown said...

I'm not crying ti, it's tears of laughter. Now don't make me come over there and knock the stuffin' out of you.

Reality Bites said...

Speaking of revisionism, where's that long list of people who had hate speech complaints upheld against them by the federal human rights tribunal who weren't bonafide Nazis?

Oh that's right! There isn't a single one. Not one. Ever.

Maybe next time you're shopping around for martyrs, Paul, Ezra could find someone more inspiring than Nazi scum like Marc Lemire and Paul Fromm

Ti-Guy said...

Now don't make me come over there and knock the stuffin' out of you.

You'd just pull my hair.