1) Union 416 wants to shift some of its troops to the entrances of the temporary garbage dumps. They figure these are just about full and The City is looking to bring in contractors to haul it all away. 416 wants to make that task more difficult.
2) Unions 416/79 are looking at the City's operations and thinking that The City has planned out this strike for awhile. Believe it or not, the unions think garbage removal is going relatively smoothly. Hence the strike length is now looking like 3-4 weeks, and perhaps until the end of summer. Get used to the smell, folks; it will be here for awhile.
3) Many 416 members are not happy with their picket signs, and want something with a more aggressive message: "Mayor Miller Sucks Ass" is popular on the line.
4) Meanwhile, someone is twittering personal attacks against union reps and Hymi the Islamic banker has become the strike's official chronicler.
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