Tsk tsk.
Luckily, since there was very little in the way of legitimate information at the site in the first place, none was lost in the DOS attack.
To whit: this little piece that explains cheerily how, while cute little wood frogs and certain bugs and other fast breeding species might evolve their way through Global Warming in as little as 40 years, your children and their ch

I'm Okay. You're Not So Hot.

The hackers are just copying the immorality of the United Nations in silencing the truth.
The way Mark Steyn acolytes crashed Law Is Cool for being on the side of HRCs?
I wouldn't support crashing anyone's site, but in regards to CO2 science I agree with BCL's assessment that there was little science there. Every once in a while I like to take a quoted paper from CO2 and read it and see what it actually says. That is always instructive since they are very selective in their quotes.
The other thing that I likes was their site of the week. The used to run the site of the week from the US that showed cooling. Of course they didn't point out that they would cherry pick their starting date to show cooling. I think too many people pointed this out to them so the last time I checked they now claim that they use 1940 as the starting point since this is the time when we started to produce significant CO2.
I don't think that frog will make it, especially with mass amphibian die-offs currently occuring and in an heated future there would be very few puddles of water around for these little guys to breed in.
What a coincidence...yesterday I experienced a terrorist-like attack when two telelmarketers interrupted important work I was doing.
Boys, boys, boys...rein it in. You're losing the little credibility you have left.
Actually, I don't believe that. Seems to me that an entire demographic (a cohort of the Mulroney/Reagan Generation) is complelety indifferent to credibility. Requires too much thinking.
Yeah. We will leave it to intelligent people like you Ti-Guy to side with "credible" organizations like the UN who among other things denied there was genocide happening in Rwanda.
Yeah. We will leave it to intelligent people like you Ti-Guy to side with "credible" organizations like the UN who among other things denied there was genocide happening in Rwanda.
See what I mean? That's not a compelling argument, Dante. I don't know why people even bother making them, unless they simply get a rush from hissing and spitting.
I know it takes less intellectual energy to argue like this, but there must be more to it.
Perhaps we'll get a better illustration of that when Dante explains...hopefully with documentary rigour...that the errors and weaknesses on the part of the international community that permitted the Rwandan genocide to happen are the same, or similar to the errors that will lead, ultimately, to the policy failures related to Global Warming.
So you're fine with your site being similarly hacked? Pretty light on the information here.
A reasonably cognitive person could easily draw a straight line from a topic of credibility and an example of how the organization you support shows no credibility.
My comments are already far more informative than anything you have submitted. It would have taken far less effort to call you a cunt and move on. In any event, a person such as yourself, who clearly suffers from an bloated ego, would never allow your cognitive dissonance to abate for a moment to be able to critically consider any arguments that highlight errors of your stated opinions. I'd much rather verbally bitch slap you and hope that there is a remote possibility that you will learn the error of your ways. Perhaps learn a bit of humility.
A reasonably cognitive person could easily draw a straight line from a topic of credibility and an example of how the organization you support shows no credibility.
And only a retard would think the elements that constitute credibility when it comes to political and diplomatic issues and credibility when it comes to scientific issues are exactly the same.
My comments are already far more informative than anything you have submitted.
Really? How so? I don't think I've seen you link to any actual information.
In any event, a person such as yourself, who clearly suffers from an bloated ego, would never allow your cognitive dissonance to abate for a moment to be able to critically consider any arguments that highlight errors of your stated opinions.
Oh, dial it down, Heather. This isn't junior high.
I'd much rather verbally bitch slap you and hope that there is a remote possibility that you will learn the error of your ways.
Good luck with that.
Perhaps learn a bit of humility.
It's not an issue of humility...if it were only a matter of you poorly-socialised low-lifes online, I might consider that. But even the Conservative "intelligentsia" all sound as stupid and mean as the rest of you these days. And it's about important things...not just the usual bitching about taxes or the condemnation of people who enjoy sex more than they do.
It's hard to be humble in an environment like that, don't you think?
Ti-guy never actually says anything of substance. Rather he specializes in throwing insults around at anybody who dares to not agree with BCL.
He is a one-trick pony, and his only argument is : "you guys are stupid, your arguments suck, you dont know how to argue". The irony that he criticizes people for bad arguments while he doesnt even have the brains to come up with an actual argument has been pointed out to him, but thankfully for ti-guy, he is impervious to logic, so he just goes on.
on the bright side, I actually visit this site for the sole purpose of seeing ti-guy being "bitch slapped around intellectually" by the likes of you. thanks for providing this service today.
Wood frogs are delicious . . .
I actually visit this site for the sole purpose of seeing ti-guy being "bitch slapped around intellectually" by the likes of you. thanks for providing this service today.
And you don't thank me for playing a big part in all this?
Ungrateful cunt.
Anyway, as has been exposed by many, many, many smart and credible people, the issues with Global Warming are now purely political and have been made more fascinating (at least for me) by the disinformation campaign that has been going for quite a while...a campaign that has suckered in a good many so-called Conservatives.
I find that, personally, far more interesting than the next data set of climate measurements that comes out, which I leave up the experts to sort out.
Probably all the Global Warming we have been having the last few years, especially this current winter got to their little pea brains
It's all over for you warmongers except the crying. No global warming for the last ten years, the recent 30 year warm period has peaked & turned and now we are heading very, very rapidly into what could be a wonderful Dalton_2 or maybe a Meaner Maunder.
Buy long underwear futures not Carbon Credits . . you are gonna need them.
Toronto is going to need a bigger Army to shovel your streets.
Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming
Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on.
Global cooling linked to increased homosexuality among young Albertans
Don't do that, Ti-Guy, I thought I had scooped a big story. "The Province where they filmed "BrokeBack Mountain..." and etc.
Sorry. I should have realised that it was too believable.
Is it just me, or
every time Dion gets bitch-slapped by a superior tactical move by Harper (in this case the budget),
BCL posts about little animals?
I think Freud would have something to say about this.
... little animals threatened with extinction at that.
What could it all mean?
I don't think ol' KKKate is giving her bubbas enough red meat lately...they're starting to wander.
Funny watching Bob McDonald telling us to ignore the extremely cold weather the world is having this winter as just 'weather', but it has NOTHING to do with man-made global warming, er, I mean climate change, WHICH IS STILL REALLY HAPPENING.
It was 13 degrees C in Calgary yesterday. Not cold for February.
People are dropping dead in Af'stan, Russia, China, etc. because of the cold, and it's because we've put too much CO2 (now at a staggering 375 ppm, or 0.0375%) into the atmosphere?
Nope, don't believe it.
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