On Monday, the National Post posted on its FullComment.com web blog a column by Jonathan Kay that repeated allegations made by Bernard Klatt in a 2006 sworn affidavit against lawyer and Canadian human rights activist Richard Warman. Mr. Klatt has alleged that a racist posting on Freedomsite about Senator Anne Cools was made by Mr. Warman in 2003. The National Post has no evidence to support Mr. Klatt's allegation against Mr. Warman and it hereby retracts any suggestion that Mr. Warman manufactured any statement about Senator Cools. The National Post apologizes for any embarassment this has caused Mr. Warman.
Meanwhile, at FreeDominion they're standing behind their Nazi.
h/t Kinsella.

Did you notice this post at Kinsella's, where he linked to some photo of KKKate, a link she has now re-directed to NAMBLA?
I used to think promoting the expansion of internet connectivity into the primitve areas of the country was a good idea, but I'm not sure anymore.
The real reason Dion wants to save Canadians $350 million dollars on a federal election(from today's Globe and Mail):
"Fuelled by a substantial rebound in Ontario, a new survey finds the Stephen Harper Conservatives the first choice of 39 per cent of Canadians, 12 points ahead of Stéphane Dion's Liberals, at 27 per cent."
The article adds "and would put the party in majority territory if an election were held today."
What took you so long, FrancesBiff?
When Gay Marriage was being debated, opponents cited the potential for polygamy as then being up for debate, to which the progressive left scoffed. They quite rightly pointed to the societal condemnation polygamists in the Morman community faced. We can all recall the in-depth news accounts of those poor Morman women essentially enslaved in an Ideology that treats them like child rearing chattel.
Now we have very real accounts of Sharia being practiced in Muslim centered communities is some of our cities including Toronto, including open accounts of men with several wives,
and the left's response.....that's right, a blind eye.
Presumably because Mormans represent the dominant "christian white" society, they are subject to condemnation. Note that this comes when there is also absolutely no evidence radical Mormons are in any way on the rise, and in fact Mormanism in around the world has largely moderated.
Yet when the Toronto Muslims, not only openly practice polygamy, but claim government benefits for their multiple wives, the "progressive" left shrugs its shoulders.
Today's "progressive" left. A sight to behold.
Actually, I worked with a guy that eventually went back to Uganda to get his 2nd or 3rd wife. Don't think he was picking up benefits though.
There's plenty of evidence that proves that these righties are white supremacists, BiffBiff. They rationalise their bigotry, racism and chauvinism in terms of principle and values. But, as we see:
1. They don't have any principles. They change their positions at the drop of a hat whenever it's convenient.
2. Their values are corrupt. They lie and smear the way others breathe and there's no tactic too offensive for them to use against their adversaries.
I guess its "progressive" to turn a blind eye to general suppression of women, honour killings or punishment, polygamy, repression of gays, suppression of political thought or speech that's "unIslamic", ect,
What have you done, materially, to advocate against these social ills? From what I can see, you harass your fellow citizens for being progressive on these issues at home and then, in the next breath, harrass your fellow citizens for being largely largely unwilling to address these issues abroad with the only solution you guys ever have...war.
I wish you'd all, at the very least, shut the fuck up. You do that quite well in public in real life (when you're not drunkingly ranting at the end of the bar); why can't you do that online?
Yet when the Toronto Muslims, not only openly practice polygamy, but claim government benefits for their multiple wives, the "progressive" left shrugs its shoulders.
Sorry, this is a lie. Polygamist civil marriages are not permitted in Canada and welfare support in this domestic arrangement constitutes fraud, which is dealt with through channels.
Now, go away and think about what, in your life, has caused you to become such a failed human being. Is it childhood abuse? Low education? Addiction? Poor lifestyle choices? Repressed sexuality?
Not to get off-topic, but a Decima-Harris poll released the same day as the G&M poll that Frances refers to shows the same results to Nanos, and similar to their last poll - a dead heat.
So, don't get your hopes up too high, there.
ti-guy, your drivel is tiring. At least when we see your name in the comment header, we know to skip to the next one.
ti-guy, your drivel is tiring. At least when we see your name in the comment header, we know to skip to the next one.
Try harder to ignore me, anony-tard.
...I don't have any patience with these douche-bags today.
Where did the whole sword thing come into play?
don't mind ti-guy,
he can't help it, he's a liberal fascist.
He is literally incapable of debate. He shouts down, demonizes, attaches the most vile labels with little or no evidence to back it up, openly advocates censurship of opposing views unless they conform with his own, etc, etc.
He is a poor old pathetic soul that is worthy of our pity, not scorn.
I suggest the rest of you consider the inner torment those like ti-guy must experience, before you lash out at him. Only a truly shattered soul, devoid of purpose and meaning can think like him.
On behalf of the others here, I'm sorry ti-guy.
So, doctor, why does it hurt when I pee?
I've just been assessed and diagnosed by Dr. Mean Girl.
...try again, Biff.
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