OTTAWA - The federal Liberals are calling for an investigation to determine who paid for a radio ad campaign in Ontario that attacked the federal government's action to fight climate change in the 2006 election.
Liberal MP Mark Holland Monday said he would push for parliamentary hearings into the matter -raised in weekend reports by Canwest News Service - about a complaint to Elections Canada against a group of global warming skeptics.
How come this sudden burst of activity on both the media and parliamentary front? Because research from the folks at DeSmogBlog has convinced Elections Canada to investigate
who funnelled money into Barry Cooper's University of Calgary FOS slush fund .
Go get 'em Mark! Go get 'em Desmoggers!

Holland is being outted.
He's toast
I see no actual evidence for this guys claims other than his claim that "everybody knows". Another guy maybe lining up for a lawsuit.
so why hasn't Holland sued him ??
That post is old.
Can't sue if it's true.
Holland is a fool . .. but he certainly loves himself more than the party.
Arrogant and ignorant . . and very dangerous to the party. They had to muzzle him after his threats invoke NEP 2 on the WEST
The Blogging high school, only with much uglier, zittier people.
A Liberal asking Elections Canada to look into campaign advertising? Are you sure you want to open that can of worms?
I sense a foot about to be shot . . .
The global warming fraud is being exposed as the socialist scam it has always been. Global temps are headed back down the curve. Soon, you marxist nazis will be crying global cooling and the coming of the next ice age.
You're moderating comments and you let this drunken anonymous, Albertan crap through?
Standards, BCL, standards.
"Denier Group?"
Who is this capital D Denier Group? Are they like the Carlyle Group? Sounds like a shadowy member of the Plunge Protection Team.
Heh, I'll bet they pronounce it wrong down in the states, like they do with Leonard Peltier.
I love to watch Liberals grasp at straws while their dear leader flails about as a national spectacle.
Your only real hope is that Harper wins the election, but is limited to another minority.
Your very real fear is that Harper gets a majority.
What's not seen as remotely possible is the notion that Canadians will vote to put Dion as the head of our government.
In this context, posts like this make a lot of sense.
Keep telling yourself everything will be OK. It's chicken soup for the defeated political soul.
Another attack from the anonymous 13 year-old mean girl.
Sweetie, the only person you can demoralise with that is Mummy.
"Blogger Ti-Guy said...
You're moderating comments and you let this drunken anonymous, Albertan crap through?"
The above comment by "Ti-Guy" is an example of groundless bigotry that might be worth excluding.
The "stupidometer" has to read alot higher for me to delete when you sign some kind of name.
The above comment by "Ti-Guy" is an example of groundless bigotry that might be worth excluding.
I was being politically-incorrect. I thought that was all the rage these days...or should I only restrict that to people who are normally thought of as beige?
He can't sue because the guy writing the blog doesn't exist. It is a fake name and fake person. Shows you just how low the Conservatives will go to hurl mud and to smear. The blog is full of glaring lies.
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