We know Harper has issued his boys their talking points, and we know what the price of dissent is in the Tory caucus. But going after someone's mama? I can't see it.
On the other hand, who else could Ms. Gyapong be talking about? Nobody's afraid of Dion.

But going after someone's mama? I can't see it.
Me either.
But going after someone's mama? I can't see it.
Me either.
Ah, to be young and naive.
Harper is spiteful. I don't know if there are bounds to what he would do to indulge his vindictiveness.
Don't be condescending Robert.
You might not have noticed, but "young" and "naive" are hyperlinks. Check them out, Raphael, before absolving your conservative brethren.
Could you even imagine if Harper said that he agrees with the motion by MP Martin?
The threat to all Conservative members would be increased 100 fold.
I'm sure the muslims are already planning a way to kill him, seeing he is a friend of the USA and Israel.
I guess you leftists and Raphael ( who is also a Liberal) forgot about the arrests in Toronto where the muslims planned on cutting off Harper's head.
If you really don't understand the threat that muslims pose, here is a link for ya!
It's updated on a daily basis so you can understand just how dangerous and psychotic the muslims are.
For you and Raphael and all others living in a utopian world.
Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace
"He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause"
2/16/2008 (Parachinar, Pakistan) - A suicide bomber sends at least forty-seven souls to Allah by plowing an explosives-laden car into a political office.
2/16/2008 (Pattani, Thailand) - An Islamic radical strides into a mosque and blows away a local with a handgun.
2/16/2008 (Pattani, Thailand) - A resident is shot to death by Mujahid while sitting outside a teashop.
2/16/2008 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - A local Buddhist is murdered by Muslim gunmen while riding a motorcycle.
2/15/2008 (Bouyara, Algeria) - Islamic terrorists detonate a bomb at a sports stadium, killing three people.
2/15/2008 (Tal Afar, Iraq) - Two Fedayeen suicide bombers kill four Shia in an attack on their mosque.
What Jonathan cited occurred in one 24 hour span.
One day.
Of course in that same 24 hour period there were countless violent crimes of "honour",
you know, like beating (or killing) your wife/daughter/niece for serious crimes such as going out unattended by a family keeper, showing such blasphemous parts of the body like the shin, or forehead, or dating a non-muslim,
in that same period.
And right now, in this country there are polygamous Muslim marriages founded on Sharia law.
But disagreeing with the BELIEF SYSTEMS that underly these practices is forbidden.
To the left disagreeing with the wrong kind of beliefs will get you the "racist" label. (disclaimer: even moderate christian beliefs are excluded from such labelling, as its "progressive" to openly mock even the very notion of peacefully believing in Jesus Christ).
To summarize:
its acceptable to mock the peaceful practice of Christianity,
but "racist" to object to gay beatings/stonings, honour killings, subjugation of women generally, death threats, and daily killings,
when its done in the name of Allah.
Meanwhile in Copenhagen, cars are being torched by angry Muslims because.....that's right..... a cartoon was published.
Why were they published?
In solidarity after it was discovered last week that a publisher was facing EXECUTION at the hands of muslims, before the plan was broken up by police.
Do you all recall the big "Christ in a jar of urine" exhibit? You probably didn't. No car torchings. Though Christians were offended they expressed disagreement, by you know, simply disagreeing. By any measure it was significantly more offensive than a simple cartoon. No death threats, riots, worldwide fatwas. No, the exhibit (like other similar exhibits (Dung on Virgin Mary) continued to be celebrated with wine and cheese and the artist was branded a genius by the "progressive" crowd.
The same "progressive" crowd that claims cultural sensitivity as the basis for tacitly (or openly) supporting the rights of the Muslims to advocate the death of those who offend them.
Anybody here no the Arabic translation for "useful idiots"?
Then this person mused--alas, I did not have a notebook or my recorder out so I can't recall the exact words--that some MPs might be afraid to speak out on this issue, afraid their families might be targeted.
Yum. That's good jounamalism, Ms Gyapong. Maybe you heard it the same way Joan of Arc heard the voice of God?
Ti-guy is either extremely dishonest, or extremely stupid.
Not seeing a lot of middle ground on this one.
No Ti-guy just has an affinity with islam.
Think about the similarities between socialism and islam.
A body, a government or church in control of every movement of its people.
Socialism aspires to islam, which has the authority to tell people how to go shit. That is the dream of the socialist, to control every movement,(pun intended), of the sheeple.
They don't speak up against the death cult of islam, because they find inspiration in it.
My guess is that Ti-guy is both evil and gay.
Think about the similarities between socialism and islam.
A body, a government or church in control of every movement of its people.
Socialism aspires to islam, which has the authority to tell people how to go shit. That is the dream of the socialist, to control every movement,(pun intended), of the sheeple.
They don't speak up against the death cult of islam, because they find inspiration in it.
Good ol' Snatchy. Her Coulter-brand vibrator has three settings: Socialist, Dhimmi and Islamofascist.
Don't overuse it dear. You might chip your teeth.
.....see ti-guy already got that misogynist part down pat. He'll make a great little islamist.
Lets see, good Christian George W Bush has killed far more than the that today as well.
It is interesting though that bigoted jackasses like johnathon have condemned the religion of close to a billion people based on the actions of about 20.
So if I take unrelated stats on results from a war zone, a few politically unstable areas and individual crimes, can I assume that all of Christianity is about violence and evil I mean, there are lots of folks all over that don't find the practice of Christianity very peaceful at all.
Quoting incidents doesn't indicate the motivation.
The only thing worse than religion is one religion thinking it is better than all the rest. They are all friggin delusional.
Odd how the people like Snatchy rail against political correctness and then turn around and whine about misogyny the first chance they get...and this is after calling complete strangers fascists.
Go back to KKKate's, dear...you're not ready to venture out on your own.
Ti-guy,if the shoe fits, best you wear it. Nothing, I mean nothing you write would indicate you are anything more than a very dangerous little facsist waiting to be fitted for your jack boots.
20, Honey Pot? That's strictly amateur.
Comment moderation will be on in about 12 hrs. Get in yer defamatory stuff tonight!
"Comment moderation will be on in about 12 hrs. Get in yer defamatory stuff tonight!"
I believe Stephen Harper said the same thing during the 2004 election after seeing that clip of Randy White on the news.
Think about the similarities between socialism and islam.
I can't think of one. It's actually a frighteningly incoherent comparison.
Lets see, good Christian George W Bush has killed far more than the that today as well.
I see you've brought food for the trolls, Mike. How thoughtful.
"I don't want to let everybody with a headache into Canada and I'm a fag hater? Nice non sequitur."
Nice strawman!
"Nobody's afraid of Dion."
True words, BCL.
I see that Chretien is telling Mr. Dion to vote against the government because otherwise he'll lose all credibility.
Sorry Jean, I think it's too late for that.
No one is afraid of Dion, the Don Quixote of Canadian politics.
Dion had been waiting for the Liberals to take the lead in the polls. Until that happened he kept saying that Canadians didn't want an election. With two years and no progress and his credibility placed in issue because of his abstentions he's between a rock and a hard place.
The Conservatives have him in their sights and will make mincemeat of him.
Stock tip of the day - buy Iggy Inc., that stock will catapult in about a month and a half.
The Conservatives have him in their sights and will make mincemeat of him.
Don't Conservatives ever get tired of saying such stupid things all the time?
Andrew, the only people I know who sound like you are 12 year-old boys who don't get enough exercise.
In my town we crap-a-lot
In what is called the honey pot
The scat on the wall makes quite a fuss.
It's always signed "Anonymous".
We used to use the Johnathon
..........but it's full
Shoot. I should have remembered that use of the term "honey pot;" I could have insulted Snatchy while avoiding sounding so sexist about it.
...oh, well. Too late now.
Ti-guy is either extremely dishonest, or extremely stupid.
Both actually. But also as stylish as hell.
Here's what Christopher Hitchens (that right-wing psycho) writes today in Slate Magazine (that right-wing rag):
"The Western Standard, now online only, and the Jewish Free Press were promptly taken before a sort of scrofulous bureaucratic peoples' court describing itself as the Alberta Human Rights Commission. If you think that's a funny name, try the title of the complainant: the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada. Who knows how long such a stupid "hate speech" case might have dragged on or how much public money and time it might have consumed, but last week the Islamic supremes decided to drop it."
In other words, BCL, another one of your idols has no time for your stance and has taken the time to write about it.
Yes, of course Hitchens has.
Wake me up when the drink-soaked popinjay sobers up, gets up from the pool of his own urine and sick, and says something useful.
Has the fearmongering started again already?
Well, the fearmongering never stopped.
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