Jesus. People were whining about the good old days back in the good old days when I was young.

In the time since she filed her lawsuit Wright has had to act. A list of companies that her website boasted as clients of Green Shift Inc. has been stricken from the Internet. Some, she said, are Liberal supporters and wrote Green Shift Inc. saying they were caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. So she removed the names.
I think we're up to four now. If Greenshift's lawsuit against the LPoC is to be pursued, at least some of these claims will have to be substantiated.
Now, pause for a moment: a Laser shop that polls for the CLC? A polling company that makes corporate gifts for all occasions? Those are the folks behind the Anti-Morgentaler poll.
But wait, there's more! Another website for LaserCut Designs is, which mentions the names of artists involved: Allan and Katherine. Who are they? Well, this notice of a school fund-raiser identifies Katherine as Katherine Bruinooge. She is married to Allan Bruinooge, who ran for Winnipeg City Council in 2005. A Winnipeg Free Press story from that time period describes him thusly:
Finally, if the name Bruinooge strikes you as familiar, its because Allan's brother is Rod Bruinooge, Tory MP from Winnipeg South and a staunch pro-lifer who has written that:
What I find myself questioning is whether Rod Bruinooge knew of the anti-Morgentaler "Laser Poll", and whether any CPoC or taxpayers money went into the funding of it. Hopefully, the MSM will start asking similar questions.
h/t JJ and gang, who did all the work.
Perhaps political bloggers are the wrong variety of nerd to appreciate this kind of thing, but Alan Moore is probably the world's best-known comic book artist (these days they call them "graphic novels") and Watchmen his best known (although not his best) book. It is now being made into a movie by Zack Snyder of 300 fame. That's the first trailer above.
Lots of possible downside here, starting with the director. Furthermore, previous attempts to render Moore's work on film have been less than successful, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen being horrible, and V For Vendetta getting boring at about the same point as the book did.
Anyway, while Watchmen is Moore's most famous piece, his best are the first two volumes of The League, especially the 2nd. The 3rd volume (The Black Dossier) is crap, and you basically have to have it smuggled over the border due to copyright issues (although it has one interesting character: John Carnacki, the Ghost Detective from W. Hope Hodgson's old stories). From Hell is Moore's retelling of the Jack The Ripper story, where you know whodunnit from page one. 8,000 pages long in smudgy B&W drawings. V For Vendetta starts out good, and towards the middle becomes a bit of a trudge where it is generally impossible to tell one character from another.
Here's hoping for the best with Watchmen.
Cycle that, Anthony.