A quick search tells me that B.C. chair Ernie Slump publishes Truckspeaker Magazine: The Voice of The Western Trucker, and was particularly incensed Western Separatist-wise at the appointment of Michaƫlle Jean .
Jane Morgan tells me in the comments that:
[Glen] Dundas used to be with the SPA [Separation Party of Alberta]; then he went onto the Republic of Alberta, which seems to have morphed into the Republic of Western Canada.
So, the same old same old separatist crew?
Other names on the list at this moment include Dan Doherty and Sheldon Johnston, who I know nothing about.
Update: Mr. Crutcher tells me that the WTBA will encompass Manitoba.
Dan Doherty ran for the SPA in 2004 and for the WAP this past March.
Another perennial that could show up on that list is Alan Clark.
It's good to hear Mr. Crutcher is already divvying the country up into what's his and what's not his.
I wonder how much pushback he'll get from all the other Westcan separatist parties one finds with a quick search on google, especially the ones that are strictly Alberta secession, because after all, Alberta doesn't need no steenking coalition.
It's good to hear Mr. Crutcher is already divvying the country up into what's his and what's not his.
Maybe we can talk him into accepting more of Canada into his new state. I mean, if he's willing to let Manitoba in, why not Kenora, which is only 30 or 40 miles from the border? And if Kenora, why not Dryden? And if Dryden, why not Thunderbay? And if Thunderbay, why not Marathan? then, Sault Ste Marie? then Sudbury, Barrie, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, St. Johns!
I just thought you should know I have read more about Alberta separatists on these blogs in the past few days than I have ever read in any newspaper, or on an newscast here in Alberta.
I am fascinated by the fascination you "Easterners" have with this largely non-existant movement.
I am fascinated by the fascination you "Easterners" have with this largely non-existant movement.
We're also fascinated by your pointy bits, your flat bits, your oily sand and of course, your world-class experimental theatre.
Hey - our arts community is pretty damn impressive, I'll have you know, so I will assume you are not being sarcastic about THAT.
Also, Gayle, some of us lead very boring lives and, if this thing takes off, maybe I get to write D. Crutcher's Biography when he is Alberta's first King.
I think we're mainly talking about it to laugh at it Gayle. We're quite aware of the loons and conspiracy theorists who make up the bulk of its tiny band of supporters.
On a more serious note, Gayle, there tend to be ties between these guys and CPoC that might be exploitable, as some of them are still fairly recent.
...so I will assume you are not being sarcastic about THAT.
And what if I'm not? Are you gonna separate?
... ;)
Well I for one hope Alberta does separate. Then I can start an Edmonton separatist party.
And here is the link.
I'm really not on the ball this evening.
"Doug Christie, a lawyer who never met a neo-Nazi, real Nazi or Holocaust denier he didn't want to defend."
In other words, Ezra Levant, only successful.
"In other words, Ezra Levant, only successful."
Well, marginally more successful. Christie appears to have won a few cases, though his win/loss record would preclude me from choosing him to represent me.
Re; Dan Doherty WBTA
Hello All
Because of various comments appearing on blogs I thought it would be prudent to answer some questions about me and my relationship with the WBTA. In 2004, I ran for the Separation Party of Alberta in Calgary Shaw against Cindy Ady, in 2008, I ran for the Wildrose Alliance in the constituency of Highwood. I am a conservative who believes that liberal and conservative principles should co-exist in a spirit of bi-partisanship, hence strengthening and unifying democratic principals.
I joined the WBTA because I believe that Eastern Canada has marginalized the West politically for too many years. I have seen little change in the two decades that I have lived in Western Canada. I have however, heard many politicians from Eastern Canada express their desire to dismantle Western Canada’s economy visa vie taxes (Stephan Dion Green Shift platform) and other schemes such as Cap and Trade (supported by Gilles Duceppe). I believe one must approach this from a balanced perspective. Any drastic shift either way will undoubtedly cause drastic effects in our economy. In the interests of keeping this entry short, I will not go into detail on this subject except to say I have and will always support better care of our environment.
The prospect of Western secession has both Conservative and Liberal overtones. From a Liberal perspective, the potential social programs we Westerners have compromised to support Eastern programs are staggering. I lived in Montreal for roughly 20 years and I am well aware of the social programs of Quebec.
A few weeks ago, CJAD in Montreal did a radio poll and one third of those Quebecer’s polled believe Quebec supports Western Canada including Alberta. My goal, put quite simply, is to open a dialog of what is BEST for Western Canada. Addressing this question in a candid forum is in everybody’s best interest. One question you could ask yourself now is, “If Western Canada were already a separate nation, would we be negotiating to become a part of Canada?”
In closing, the WBTA is NOT a political party; it is an association to gather support for a political party yet to be selected.
I look forward to all your comments. You may email me at vp@itstimetogo.ca
Warmest Regards
Dan Doherty
VP Western Businesses & Taxpayers Association
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