An access to information request has already been filed in an attempt to retrieve these talking points.
If true, this shouldn't be surprising. Silly talk of a Liberal conspiracy aside, all sorts of people saw the original video on the day of the funeral. Even Rick Mercer, on July 10th, noted that his first reaction had been
"[The wafer is] in his pocket as we speak.... It's in his pocket with the gum."
And, oh yes, fingering Liberal Party figures by name as being responsible for the "conspiracy", or as bearing responsibility for getting to the bottom of the "conspiracy", is the kind of thing that can get you sued.
An access to information request has already been filed in an attempt to retrieve these talking points.
Good. In 6 to 8 months, we'll know for sure.
You mean Canadian Heritage. FYI Heritage Canada saves old buildings.
Keep it up BCL!!
I'm more convinced than ever that Mr. Genius took communion for the photo op. Politicize everything, remember?
Script: Himself, saintly, standing in front of the Bishop, eyes pensively lowered. Then, post-flashcube, turn and tuck that which was papally transubstantiated into the suit pocket. Aaaaand, CUT!
Smooth move Steve!
..and we should care, one way or the other, uh.. why?
Haha Michael... I love the idea of papal transubstantiation :D
I wonder, however, if this rumor is proven to be true, will the Conservative Party apologize to T-J or the Government of Canada?
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