It's actually interesting what a little bit of reading and Google cando. The JDL is not about racism and we do get wrongly accused of this,or denying the multicultural nature of our country; it's certainly notabout hating Muslims. It is about our love for Israel, our right to defend who we are against those who would hate us or deny us our righ tto be Jews.
These past 2 weeks have been very intense with CUPE in Windsor and"Israel Apartheid Week" on Campus now and my responsibilities to provideour people with an effective response. I want to share with you some insites that I have about Warren Kinsella.
A little reading reminded me that Warren has stood by our community for the last 30 years. I was reminded that it was Warren who exposed theneo-Nazi right and stood with us in solidarity against Jew-haters. He was there when the Neo Nazis were setting up a training camp in Alberta. At that time, Neo Nazi groups had a hit list and some people did get killed.
I was on such a list and Bernie Farber was also on such a list. I had contacts that infiltrated some of these groups and know first hand the dangers. I remember Warren speaking at a CJC conference in Montreal about Timothy McVey. This person was a Neo Nazi that bombed a Federal Building in Oklahoma and killed over 100 people. Warren has always stood up for the rights of the Jewish People and Israel. Because of this, I am not going to jump to conclusions about Warren and am ready to hear him out.
As for Bernie Farber, well we haven't always seen eye to eye, and we may have different approaches but like Warren I know he is motivated by a deep caring for the Jewish people. Yes we may argue from time to time, maybe even passionately but it's like a family argument. Again, it has been a very intense 2 weeks and our enemies would love to see division. And I want to work for unity.
This has been a valuable lesson for me. One I hope that by sharing, we can all work together for the one goal we all care about, a strong united Jewish People and Jewish State.
With Love of Israel, Meir Weinstein National Director Jewish Defence League of Canada
h/t Mordechai
Shocked I tell you I am just must have been an error. Surely BCF would NEVER EVER censor his site. I mean its not like Meir posted hate propaganda. Its just that he wrote the truth about Warren and Farber.
If there is anyone who now doubts the gutter and scummy ways of people like BCF wonder no more. They are mean-spirited scoundrels who operate not on issues but on trying to destroy people. It is no wonder that more and more decent folk will have nothing to do with people like this
Again, it has been a very intense 2 weeks and our enemies would love to see division.
I wonder if Blazing Cat's Ass and company understood this and realize the dangerous territory they're treading in by trying to use Jews as a weapon against Kinsella? I doubt they do.
Not that Meir Weinstein is the cat's pyjamas--recall the racist provenance of the JDL--but BCF has just shown itself to be a burning pussy.
That's two in 24 hours. Shaidle over at one of her perches deleted a comment from Dave at Galloping Beaver because his facts disagreed with her inaccuracies.
Conservatives don't like dissent. Not one bit.
A blog owner being selective about which comments he or she allows is not censorship. It isn't even close to censorship. It is, in fact, freedom of the press.
A blog owner has complete ownership and control over his or her site. The owner is no more obliged to accept a comment than a newspaper is obliged to print a letter to the editor.
Censorship is the suppression of speech by authorities, not by private publishers, who should be free to publish what they will for any reason they care to have.
The question of censorship is completely distinct from the question of whether a blog owner should be tolerant of dissenting opinions. Myself, I would favour a lenient approach within bounds of relevancy and civility. This, however, is completely up to the blog owner, and even a heavy-handed policy is in no way censorship or suppression of free speech.
If someone wants to ensure that their comments are always accepted, they can start up their own blog.
WWith Love of Israel, Meir Weinstein National Director Jewish Defence League of Canada
Good Lord. The only people I've ever known who talk like this are people recreating on their pain medication or con men.
A blog owner being selective about which comments he or she allows is not censorship. It isn't even close to censorship. It is, in fact, freedom of the press.
And the pellet dropper went on for four more paragraphs!
And Ti-Guy once again displays the shear, staggering irrelevancy of his posts.
Sounds like you need to change your medication again.
Dawg, Weinsteinseems a bit of a weird cat. I have noticed on previous occasions though he's very much of the all-for-one-one for-all-school when it comes to working with other Jewish groups.
BCL I deleted the comment as it appeared in a post unrelated to the e-mails I posted on. It did for that reason alone look suspicious. I have however verified that the contents were part of an e-mail exchange sent by Meir.
It was sent in an effort to mend fences after his initial e-mail to Farber on Kinsella's threat to the Canada Israel Committee. The JDL as you are aware has something of an image problem and needs all the friends they can get:)
Lame excuse. The responsible thing to do would have been to copy and pasted it into the proper post.
Nonsense BCL.
So, Weinstein is saying that he is still concerned about Kinsella's aid to the sock puppets and more recent attempts at influence peddling but because of Warren's past good deeds, he's willing to listen to Warren's explanation. What's your point BCL?
That's hardly a vindication...
Warren still has some splainin' to do...
I think Weinstein, like so many who have taken an interest in this issue, decided that it was immensely trivial given WKs past (probably immensely trivial whatever WKs past) IF the email was from WK, which Blazing never proved.
Any luck attracting MSM attention yet? Thought not.
OK, BCL, I take it that with the publication of these paragraphs you have dropped the "those righties just made the whole thing up to get my friend Kinsella" spin.
So I'm guessing you've moved on to the "sure he made the threats but so what" cycle.
And Ti-Guy once again displays the shear, staggering irrelevancy of his posts.
Sorry, you did that first by trotting out the boring argument to rationalise the speech warriors' allergy to dissent. And your only response to that was insult.
Way to go, Pellet Dropper.
OK, BCL, I take it that with the publication of these paragraphs you have dropped the "those righties just made the whole thing up to get my friend Kinsella" spin.
Not to answer for BCL, but I don't have sufficient evidence to conclude that the email wasn't faked. I personally don't believe this, since Kinsella is a blowhard, but I can't say for sure. Like I can't say for sure that the WMD's were not shipped to Syria. I understand you have no such constraints when it comes to what you understand about reality.
As for it being trivial, well, I don't believe that either. It's damn good advice for everyone to warn others away from KKKate and KKKathy. The optics just aren't very good, knowhatimean?
My my how the worm has turned. Even the JDL has now come to see the light. What a joke BCF, Jay and the others are.
Actually, Ti-Guy, I didn't attempt to justify anybody's "allergy to dissent". I did point out that the word "censorship" does not apply here.
Of course, to figure that out you would have had to read my original post. Apparently you got bored after the first paragraph.
Actually, Ti-Guy, I didn't attempt to justify anybody's "allergy to dissent". I did point out that the word "censorship" does not apply here.
Yes, I know. And it's still boring. How 'bout that?
Of course, to figure that out you would have had to read my original post. Apparently you got bored after the first paragraph.
Actually, I felt myself sliding into torpor when I first glanced your pseudonym, but I soldiered on and made it to the end of the first paragraph.
I'm proud of myself.
Hmmm...over at BCF it seems that Meir posted two emails. The one originally quoted and a follow up.
Meir Weinstein made the comments in an e-mail follow up to his earlier e-mail which I have posted above. It was done in an effort to appease Bernie Farber and keep the dialogue open with him over Warren Kinsella's attempt to strongarm the Canada Israel Committee and mollify Bernie over Meirs statement that Kinsella offered aid to the sockpuppets of the Cdn. Islamic Congress. Bernie is obviously still hurting over having Kinsella's position with the CJC terminated. Meir makes nice in order to mitigate the sting of his earlier missive.
In which case your story is doubly screwed: first you have now admitted that the emails BCF posted are authentic, second, you have participated in an attempt to smear BCF by pretending he deleted portions of an email favourable to the Jackal when, in fact, you are citing an entirely different email
Spin hard BCL.
Keeping working on it, Jay. MY source says the Globe and Mail is gonna call you real soon.
You mean with a subscription offer, I take it?
Jay, BCL clearly by his own admission deleted Meir's first email because he though it wasn't from him (Ya right I believe that and that the moon is made of cheese), Don't know what happened (he probably heard from Meir) and then re-posted it. So get off whatever drugs you are taking.
I think Mitka means "BCF" not "BCL" in the last one.
Mitka, try to keep up...
BCF posted the first email in which Meir noted the Jackal's providing comfort and support for the Islamist sockpuppets.
His second, seperate, email is the one BCL has posted here with the implication that this material was somehow cut from the first email. Why did Meir post two? No idea. Maybe he was afraid the Jackal would sue him for saying essentially what the Jackal is suing Ezra for saying...
In any case, at least you people have stopped pretending that the original emails "never happened". Progress, slow, but sure.
Keeping working on it, Jay. MY source says the Globe and Mail is gonna call you real soon.
Are they doing a story on conspiracy wingnuts, paranoid loonies and raging right wing mediocrities with too much time on their hands?
"I think Mitka means "BCF" not "BCL" in the last one."
Indeed. be confused with BCF must have hurt deeply. It was completely intentional
You meant "unintentional," surely.
There i go trying to make things better and like the fools at the NP I don't proof read. It only tells me that I need to put the ol' laptop away for a bit and take a needed vacation.
BCL, what can I say? Thanks for your patience with me . Apologies yet a second time. I indeed mean "unintentional"...perhaps I can offer my writing talents to BCF. I would fit right in :-)
Apparently, there'll always be a place for you at the National Post.
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