One professional planner comments on the failed project: "North American commercial real estate is dominated by firms that often happen to be Jewish-owned [e.g., Oshawa and Canmore Development]. The retail sector is much the same. Like cliques everywhere, some of these people tend to deal with each other, and Mr. Schickedanz is an outsider."
Mr. Kane's complaint bounced around the Alberta legal system for awhile: if I am reconstructing the time-line correctly, it was dismissed, appealed, won by Mr. Kane, overturned, and I believe was due to be heard again before the trail of on-line documents goes dead. In any case, during the to and fro, Mr. Byfield penned a classic of spittle-flecked fury to the chief commissioner of the AHRC: have thus raised yourselves to a position of unprecedented power over social discussion. No one may now publicly offend the feelings of those whom you decide to see as "vulnerable": Natives, single moms, gays, drag queens, wiccans, immigrants, nerds, feminists, Muslim extremists, abortionists, overly emotional teachers, violent black rap singers, incompetent soldierettes, the overweight, anorexics, drug addicts, welfare recipients and vagrants, victims of transsexual mutilation...but rather than making us all guess, perhaps you could send us a list of stereotypical victims whose feelings may never be hurt.
Nor were these necessarily the weirdest things that made it into the The Report during Byfield's time at the helm. In its May 2000 B.C. edition Kevin Michael Grace penned "Is It Kosher?" (see page 116 through link), which contains a number of quotes from "an oddball Ukrainian Nationalist" named Lubomyr Prytulak. For example:
Kosher labels, which are arcane and various, are authorized by various Jewish organizations. The costs to producers and consumers is largely secret, although a 1975 New York Times article cited by Mr. Prytulak claims that costs levied at that time ranged "from $250 for 'mom-and-pop' operations to $40,000 for a multi-plant corporation." Given that non-Jews consume most kosher food, Mr. Prytulak characterizes kosher labelling as a "Jewish tax." He adds, "I've got to admit that the kosher tax is unlike other taxes in more ways than one. For example, if the government levies a tax, then at least the consumer knows how large it is and can pretty much see what the tax revenue is being spent on, whereas he knows neither of these in the case of the kosher tax."
Mr. Prytulak would be happy with what he calls "truth in labelling": "I simply advocate that the presently meaningless kosher labels be accompanied by the word 'KOSHER' and the Magen David or six-pointed star. Package labelling should inform all consumers, and not send a secret message to a small group."
This latter piece triggered a complaint by, of all people, Ezra Levant:
At first, the magazine stonewalled him. But in the end, he got his way. The editor printed a rebuttal, and even admitted publicly that publishing the Jew-tax article had been dumb.
So there you have it.
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