Editor's note: Syndicated columnist Mark Steyn has not filed a column with the Register since Dec. 20. While Mark has not notified our editors why he has gone on hiatus, we note that, according to several posts on his own site, steynonline.com, he is involved in the trial of a defamation lawsuit filed against him and others by a climate scientist.
Maybe the guy's hiding under his bed, wishing that the world will just go away. Maybe's he's wearing nothing but his "legal briefs", clutching his head in his hands and crying for Mama.
Is it too much to ask?
Is it too much to ask? No. That's the beauty of liberty, you can kind of ask anything you like.
Is it actually happening? To quote Michael Myers (original, annotated, authoritatively translated, peer-reviewed, scholarly, academic-cuz-academia-matters edition):
How 'bout NO!
Flash: small man wishes ill on bigger, better man.
''Is he crashing and burning?''
Not as much as you did when you tried to go for him last time.
No, BCL, he's undoubtedly taking some time to brush up on PCA and dendrochronology, reviewing all of Mann's publications and perhaps working on a demonstration statistical analysis, using Mann's data, which will show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how he felt justified in calling Mann's research "fraudulent". After all, Steyn must have a very firm grounding in statistical climatology if he had the confidence to throw around terms like "fraudulent" in regard to the findings of an experienced scientist of Mann's calibre. Why, I'm surprised that Steyn hasn't been publishing on the subject himself.
Sorry to ruin your day-NO.
Get out the popcorn. Discovery will be fun. The Canadian Mc's duo will figure prominently. Even my forestry grad buddies are looking forward to seeing Mann crash and burn.
Gee, that'd be great. The Canadian Mc's duo featuring in the discovery. That's be McKittrick, who couldn't tell the difference between radian and degrees in one of his early attempts to disprove global warming? When all that he had to do was plug his numbers into a stats package? And McIntyre, who was not only unable to find all of Mann's data, which was cunningly hidden in full view at multiple, freely-accessible sites on the web, but couldn't, huff and puff though he might, come up with a statistically supportable criticism of Mann's work that anyone but the credulous Right would accept?
Yeah, you're right. The discovery will be great value. Steyn and his artisanal statisticians are going to take a royal hiding.
Laura has posted nonsense here before. Guess she has nothing else to do.
"Mark Steyn His Ass Abused"
Liberals always keep it classy, don't they? And do I detect subconscious homoerotic attraction?
Why don't you just go to his site Steynonline.com and see what he's been writing for the last 6 weeks?
He updates daily.
No big mystery here chief. Just a couple of clicks away.
Liberals always keep it classy...do I detect subconscious homoerotic attraction?
In one sentence, you completely belied your own comment.
Seeing Steyn crash and burn is a beautiful thing. I'm sorry it's not for his decades of anti-gay bias, and throwing around anti-gay slurs, but this is still pretty good.
He's an imbecile who has been caught lying in years past. Now he'll be able to face a judge and be called a liar in a court of law.
Hopefully, McIntyre and Wegman will get called as witnesses, and get to explain the 100:1 cherry-pick code atop bad statistics to manufacture the result desired.
Now, that's fraud, and it's in the code as discovered by Deep Climate. Wegman can get to explain how he used Army Research Office $ and Yasmin Said used alcoholism-fellowship money to do the Wegman Report, and then told the House it was pro bono.
See FOOIA Facts series.
wow, stunning really!
anyhwo as for the question, I certainly hope so.
Lars spouts -- that he's "surprised Steyn hasn't been publishing on the subject himself". Of course as Lars knows due to Mann's and others efforts those who would publish scientific finds that dispute the party line are NOT accepted for publication.
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