...a great nation like the United States has the duty to not create obstacles in the struggle against global warming."
"Quite the contrary, it should take the lead in this battle because what is at stake is all of humanity," said the rightwinger, who won 53 percent of the vote, according to projections.
"France will make this battle it's first battle," he said.
Not cutting taxes? Not bashing Muslims? D'oh!!

The Conservatives will pretend they never heard that. Or they'll default to French-bashing.
What an idiotic comment. Harper is supposed to change policies because of what the French do? Are you advocating that Canadian policies be drafted offshore by foreign governments? Or should they default to America-bashing, like the neo-communist parties?
Go back to your Kyoto Kool-Aid.
A French conservative is still a socialist, just a little less so.
Did you know that some people - commonly known as complete wingnut loon ignoramus neo-cons - actually BELIEVE that Man isn't the cause of climate change? Seriously. This guy is one of THEM.
How ignorant can you get? Claiming that increasing CO2 levels LAG temperature increases by hundreds of years? What a moron! CO2 CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING! THE DEBATE IS OVER!!
anonymous 3:22 pm:
Loved how you totally missed the point of this post.
Having waded through the BTs after the French elections I noticed there is a definite view that the new French President is a fellow traveller.
Of course it is untrue and BCL is pointing that out.
How you interpreted that as a suggestion the Harper government is supposed to change policies because of what the French do is known only to you.
"commonly known as complete wingnut loon ignoramus neo-cons - actually BELIEVE that Man isn't the cause of climate change? Seriously. This guy is one of THEM"
Uh huh . . . some "neocon" denier . . his background doesn't qualify him to say anything about the world's climate.
"founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology—now the Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences—in the 1970s he became the first director of what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. He’s a member of the United Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor—created, the U.N. says, to recognize “outstanding achievements in the protection and improvement of the environment.” He has authored five books and more than 230 other publications and was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world."
Unlike our very own Dr. Fruit Fly or the Goreacle.
"How you interpreted that as a suggestion the Harper government is supposed to change policies because of what the French do is known only to you."
This is because the rightwingers have repressed their knowledge that the Harper government really changes its policies because of what the Americans tell it to do; but that knowledge is seething in a few of their brain cells hidden under all the fatheadedness, and sometimes it emerges as misdirection.
As for Anon at 5:27 PM, the warming may have been started by a Milankovich wobble or other possible causes, which caused some warming, which released CO2 into the air, which caused more warming, more CO2 released, with all the CO2 that humans have produced added on and making it worse. See here.
As for your link, Bryson's arguments would receive more respect if he published them in a peer-reviewed science journal, along with his evidence, instead of in the Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News which looks like a local newsletter.
Hey Holly stick . . . just cause this interview was published in WEC magazine doesn't prwclude he has been published elsewhere.
"He has authored five books and more than 230 other publications and was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world."
And referencing Real Climate.org for unbiased information on climate change is like expecting Al Gore or Mikey Moore to make an honest documentary. Or a Liberal not to steal or a dipper not to secretly admire Marx . . or . . . whatever
Nice try . . . when you graduate from grade 3 after a few more attempts, try for a scholarship studying anthropology or some other useful academic domain.
its ironic that Holly stick cite Real Climate the founder is Michael Mann, the guy who faked the hockey stick in SPM 3. The infamous, proven to be a fraud hockey stick.
Where has that gone? Its not to be found in the recently released SPM 4 docs.
"Holly stick / hockey stick hmmmmmmm
Are you really Dr. Mann ?? trying to salvage a reputation destroyed by fraudulent science.
Time to cut the anonymii for a bit, eh? They're behaving very badly.
Who are these anonymous bloggers?
Even though we expect them to be happy about Sarkozy's triumph, all we get here are parrots saying that "a French conservative is still a socialist, just a little less so" and complete denial of global warming.
If these bloggers are the true representative of Harper's Conservatives, then the Liberals should sit comfortably knowing that a majority government is just around the corner.
Just when us Grits want to engage in a fruitful discussion with them about centre right conservative values, they respond with trolling comments.
My attitude to them is this. Go support Ezra Levant and his wacko conservatives. May Stephen Harper be deposed quickly in a party coup so that Jason Kenney becomes the next Prime Minister.
RealClimate.org is in fact the place for unbiased information on climate change, since it is run by climate scientists who are doing science, not playing politics. This is clear to anyone who pays attention to what is written there.
Of course you anons can't understand what an objective search for truth would look like, since you don't have enough brain cells to hold one whole objective thought, so I'll leave you to your teeny-minded lies, insults and anonsense.
No, it's not a complete denial of global warming, it's a reasoned position that man is the not primary cause of it. There's a big difference. If you want to claim something is causing something to happen, it is up to you to prove it. That has not been done convincingly. There are so many holes in the CO2-global warming argument you could drive an SUV through them.
But go back to your usual debating skills of name calling and bashing your opponent because they have a different viewpoint, one based on logic and reason, not emotion and fear.
" No, it's not a complete denial of global warming, it's a reasoned position that man is the not primary cause of it..."
This is not a reasoned position; it is a fairy tale. You are ignoring the evidence, covering your ears and chanting "La, la, la, la" because you can't handle the truth that we humans are quite capable of making earth uninhabitable for ourselves.
"This is not a reasoned position; it is a fairy tale. You are ignoring the evidence, covering your ears and chanting "La, la, la, la" because you can't handle the truth that we humans are quite capable of making earth uninhabitable for ourselves."
That's exactly what we say about you. Except we have contrary evidence to refute your position; you need to have undeniable evidence on your side, which you don't have. So keep believing the implausible, avoid debating it, ignore contradictory evidence, don't look into other sources or explanations. Remain good little ignorant greenies, and do what your masters tell you. Your training as useful idiots serves others so well.
Anonymous 4:01 took the track that I think most will go. They'll just claim that "French conservatives are actually lefties, like Democrats in the States are actually right of Liberals in Canada.... oh oh, head exploding..."
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