The Lifesite, a story on how the
Natty Post alone among Canadian newspapers is willing to pander to the last fading embers of the Pro-Life movement. In the face of this massive indifference, pro-lifers are going to try their hand at amateur film-making:
...pro-life blogger, John Pacheco is suggesting a by-pass on the mainstream media by "youtube-ing" the March for Life. "Bring your video cameras and video everything and anything about the March. Record the speakers. Record the crowd . . . get a good shot of the crowd. Interview the marchers. Have some questions prepared. Interview the media people there. Swarm the reporters and ask them why they refuse to cover abortion in Canada," suggests Pacheco.More information on the March for Life can be found
here.My prediction: these are going to suck worse than
Cherniak! And some advice to pro-lifers: you want anyone to watch these things? Leave Creed off the sound-track!
Hey, does anyone know how many abortions there are in Canada every year?
About 100,000 - you know, about the number of children Canada needs to have each year to support the social welfare system and economy.
I'm not sure why this is a 'fall' to YouTube - the pro-life movement is very grass-roots, as you point out, only the National Post has given any space to it in recent month, and unlike the pro-choice movement, they receive absolutely no funding from the government or big business.
Isn't YouTube the same place where you can only find the Liberal political campaign ads? I guess the LPC has been 'banished' there as well!
I always wondered what my "special place" was for, now thanks to anonymous I know!
It's to produce as many children as I can to keep her/him in social programs s/he probably votes against anyway.
But tsk tsk silly me writing here, having opinions and all such like when I should be out birthin some babies.
April Reign, actually, with that attitude, I would hope you wouldn't have any children. We wouldn't want children to grow up hating mothers.
Pro-life groups aren't fading at all. They're getting remobilized. If they are relegated to You Tube, it's because of media bias and discrimination not because of irrelevance. Besides, morality is not like technology; it isn't outdated after a decade. Second-wave feminism is a flash in the pan compared to the Judeo-Christian ethic anyway.
EternaLee sorry to burst your bubble but pregnancy termination has been around just as long as Western civilization. Ancient Greeks and Romans were doing it also. With herbs mostly.
It wasn't until the 1800's that the high hats decided that abortion was a problem. Right around the time the church started losing people in droves.
And anon too late...I have six kids...and they all love me..
About 100,000 - you know, about the number of children Canada needs to have each year to support the social welfare system and economy.
Just for that, I'm having 13 abortions today, instead of my usual 12.
And anon too late...I have six kids...and they all love me..
Ya hear that, righties? Six! I think some of you should be getting on Lurleen Harper's case for sherking her wifely duties.
No, that's wrong. I talked to God today and He told me they would have voted for the Rhino Party.
Anyway, do you realise you just came out in favour of abortion? Hallelujah...we just converted one.
100,000?!! You gotta be joking! I thought we funded sex ed and handed out free condoms so that wouldn't happen. Or is it as big a failure as our gun control laws?
Whoops! Looks like we better get those developing countries on the abortion bandwagon.
Who knew that kids were bad for the environment?
I thought we funded sex ed and handed out free condoms so that wouldn't happen.
No. We do that so stupid wingnuts like you don't get knocked up every 12 months.
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