Attempts by Mac's Convenience Stores to flog its frosted carbonated drink (or froster) with the advert left has enraged SoCons. Apparently, they're upset at the employment of the phrase "WTF", which the company rather lamely insists stands for "What the Flavour".
Apparently, they're NOT upset at the very strong suggestion of nun-on-sheep action in the poster. Note that the sheep seems well pleased, and the nun's gesture seems to be indicating something at least 18 inches in length. WTF Indeed!
If you feel inclined to add your voice to the chorus of outrage, The Lifesite (without which this blog could not exist) has been kind enough to provide an email for Mac's customer service department (info@couche-tard.com).
And, if you do write, please mention the nun/sheep thing.

Nun on sheep is better than priest on child. Maybe part of the campaign is to show alternatives to pedophilia for the clergy and reduce energy use at the same time.
You know that Couche-Tard is going to hear from the screaming meemies who read LifeSite while the rest of us (non-hysterics) couldn't care less. Besides, this is freedom of expression, right? And "What the Flavour" is hardly indecent. I think the people at LifeSite really need to get "fucked* more often....with condoms, natch.
The WTF campaign is as well-thought out as the Flick Off one. Both have stepped over the line. Yes, the ads should be pulled for that alone, irrespecive of the nun or the goat.
Is it a goat or a sheep?
Does the bible make any moral differentiation between nun on sheep action, and nun on goat action?
Also, thatnks Ti-Guy for referencing Couche-Tard.
I miss Montreal...
you might be right, it might be a goat. How can you tell I'm just a city boy?
I think a goat gets you sent to the 9th circle of hell; a sheep just the 5th.
Stepped over the line? "Flick" is obscene and offensive? Oh gosh, sugar-lump.
It's getting attention - so I'd say it's working. You have to talk "to" kids, not down at them.
Well, when you consider that "FLICK OFF" was intentionally fonted to look like "FUCK OFF", then you've created a problem for parents. "Daddy, what does FUCK OFF mean on that billboard?"
If a kid hasn't heard "fuck off" by the time he or she can read, then that kid's parents probably keep him locked in a closet.
Which, interestingly enough, is the child-rearing strategy LifeSite recommends.
Over at LifeSite, they explain that WTF means "What the FU**?", their two asterisks presumably standing in for the unimaginable goings on past the petting stage.
Clearly, Hentai-guy, you don't have kids. And if you do, you're a lousy parent if you can't see the problem your ideology espouses. I guess flick off was normal conversational English for your family, but not for mine.
Yeah, I can imagine what level of conversation was normal in your family. Britney's boob-jobs and the family's latest excursion to Wal-Mart.
Well-bred children who can read (and who aren't locked up in closets) know what things mean and more importantly...know what language is not acceptable in polite conversation.
It is genius.
That simple.
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