100% Known
David MacLean
Tommy Douglas
The artist formerly known as...
95% certain
Farmer joe
r.s. porter
(These might also be ran by other Taxpayer Federation people sometimes/always)
Unfortunately, I have had no luck in my search, but others might be interested in trying something similar.
Also, I notice that GPM's efforts have landed him a spot on nationalnewswatch, the most popular Canadian news aggregator. Because people have wondered, and I have never seen it written anywhere, here is the deal with NNW. While the person behind it seems to have a strong Tory slant, what they are really interested in (they claim) is material that has not appeared in the MSM. So if you, like GPM, unearth new facts, even if the issue is fairly small bore, NNW may well link to you. If you retail stuff that has already appeared in print/on-line, they will usually just link directly to the original URL, although if the source is obscure enough you may get an H/T. Stories can be submitted to the email given at the site, so you don't have to wait to be "discovered".

Isn't it GPM or am I missing something here?
BigCity is directionally and Mousely challanged ;-)
No worry guys, lord knows I have made enough typos over the years :)
thanks for the hat tip BCL
slow day in progresivo land ?
David, is that you?
Sounds like a real winner... Why does he need a SUPER HI-RES PIC of himself on that website? LOL
I guess Zorpheus is prepared to accept tht DARCEY is not a David MacLean sock puppet.
Good enough for me, take him off the list
Why does he need a SUPER HI-RES PIC of himself on that website? LOL
Well, that's unavoidable. He's got one of those typically HUGE neo-con faces that can only be fully appreciated in Hi-res.
What I would like to know is: how much of the Conservative blogosphere is actually nine people with a hundred identities apiece. I can imagine Kate spending all day writing complimentary messages to herself.
If only that were true; I've seen enough variation in writing style to conclude that the Conservative blogosphere is not nine people...more like 20. Although MPD would go a long way to explain a lot of what I'm seeing...especially with Kate.
Well, you can try to comfort yourself with your deluded fantasy about the number of conservative posters, or the leadership ability of Dijon, whatever keeps you from crying yourself to sleep at night.
It's not that deluded. The history of Conservative sock-puppeting is pretty well documented.
And anon? You're mother's a two-bit not a leader. Take that!
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