Still, anyone truly interested in freedom of speech must defend Boissoin against the forces of state coercion and political correctness aligned against him.
...for Larry Hill and other members of the Canadian Wheat Board, who have been, as it turns out, illegally muzzled by the Canadian Government for publicly defending its single desk selling system.
The Wheat Board should remain silent
Nuff said.
It should be obvious to everyone now that the fascists in the media feel it is they who should decide what the limits to freedom of expression are.
Blogger Ti-Guy said...
It should be obvious to everyone now that the fascists in the media feel it is they who should decide what the limits to freedom of expression are.
"everyone"? Sure, you and this circle jerk on BCL. So I guess 3 people constitutes "everyone".
Name one person you respect in this country that supports the real fascists here, the CHRC.
I'll guess. Warren "cell phones can pop corn" Kinsella?
If so many people support it, why has Harper been so afraid to act? Hmm?
Blogger Ti-Guy said...
I'm completely amazed at how the vulgar and coarse speechy thugs think anyone is fooled about what type of people are real or potential fascists.
Yeah, I suppose I should follow your lead and call women I disagree with "cunts" or "preachy cunts" like your hero Richard Warman. It's impossible to take women haters seriously. And clearly, you have a deep and profound anger toward women. I mean, let's face it, real men love vaginas.
...Round 'em up and intern them, until the emergency is over.
Who knows, you may get your wish one day. Hell, you might be offered a job at one. I think I will call you Sargent Schultz from now on.
As for "KKKate". Who is that? Kate Shaw at Free Dominion? If so, OUCH! That was below the belt - even for you!
And clearly, you have a deep and profound anger toward women.
Not in the least. I know for a fact that men who take an overwheening, protective, over-dramatically chivalrous attitude toward women are the true misogynists.
They infantalise women; I can't think of anything more sexist than that.
And hey, if the word "cunt" is good enough for my 74 year-old mother, it's good enough for me.
Richard Warman isn't my "hero," by the way. I don't have heroes.
Lame points BCL. Another strawman argument.
By the way, any comments on Mohammad Momin Khawaja's trial?
God, is Lorne Gunter ever an idiot. This has got to be one of the most nonsensical sequence of words i have seen written anywhere (bathroom walls included):
"The CWB has always claimed it gets more for farmers collectively than they could get for themselves individually. Let it prove it by taking away its monopoly."
Another strawman argument.
You don't know what "strawman" means, do you?
Paul, I hope they don't bung his trial up. As for my argument, I guess it is so lame you could not even attempt a refutation.
"Paul, I hope they don't bung his trial up." - BCL
That goes without saying BCL. Any thoughts on the trial? Or will you revert to alerting us to the great Nazi menace in our midst?
ti-guy: You keep washing your mouth out with soap and when you're done we'll talk. :)
*shoves feces into mouth*
I'm completely amazed at how the vulgar and coarse speechy thugs think anyone is fooled about what type of people are real or potential fascists.
...Round 'em up and intern them, until the emergency is over.
I just need to get this off my chest.
I gave some thought to Ti-Guy’s comments. Over that past few months I have read his posts with his claims of being well educated and so on. This one thing sticks out for me; he likes accuse people of being vulgar, stupid, “drug addled” (his favorite I believe, or is that cunt?).
I Googled:
ti-guy+drug addled
BLC, I will be very interested to see if you are required to explain why you allow him to post his vindictive comments on your blog when you are sued. I am assuming that is still going ahead. Let me know if I am wrong on that, please. I would pay to see that.
I am reminded of a great quote by Nietzsche:
“We do not place especial value on the possession of a virtue until we notice its total absence in our opponents”.
When I consider Ti-Guy, I think civility.
This is a guy who wants to “...Round 'em up and intern them, until the emergency is over.” – LOL!
Last point, can anyone explain to me what this “emergency” is? I’d love to know.
Sued? Me? By who?
When I consider Ti-Guy, I think civility.
Thank you.
Blogger bigcitylib said...
Sued? Me? By who?
I asked you about this before, re Connie and Mark's lawyer. What happened there? I asked you if you were worried about it. You said a "a little".
Hey Ti-Guy, Mr. Dictionary wants you to come visit him on his page with the word sarcasm.
Hey Ti-Guy, Mr. Dictionary wants you to come visit him on his page with the word sarcasm.
Weawy and for twue?
Maybe you should suggest I'm part of a group masturbation activity and then complain about civility. Or maybe you should assert that BCL's being sued based on, obviously, no evidence whatsoever. Or maybe you should go back to FreeDominion and argue about racism or fwee speach.
Or maybe...just should learn the difference between an assertion and an argument, the difference between civility and decency and become acquainted with the concept of evidence.
This is what I was referring to.
And? Connie Fournier's a vindictive harridan. Everyone knows that.
Totally forgot about that, NB. I guess it came to nought.
As much as would have like to argue with FD'ers, I never signed up to FreeDominion. I knew, long ago, that that vindictive bitch Connie Fournier would be documenting transactions for future reference.
That's how fascists operate.
ti-guy wrote:
Or maybe you should assert that BCL's being sued based on, obviously, no evidence whatsoever.
Ha ha!
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