OK, maybe eight months, because she is resplendently hot, even if she appears to be wearing a menorah (or maybe some kind of chandelier) in each ear.
...but, as Freud used to joke, the thing about carrying an umbrella is that eventually you take a cab. And Peter MacKay is not a patient man.
PS. My wife suggests he's trying to marry into money.
Is it me or is she waaaaay too hot for him.
It's not you.
lol MacKay is slowly turning into the steryotypical corrupt dictator. Surrounding himself with beautiful women, using the military as his personal taxi service. I wonder what's next...
I hope her family and their lawyer encouraged her to sign a pre-nuptial agreement.
It's obvious from MacKay's past and present actions that he is an opportunist who uses people to advance his ambitions.
If he has MASSIVELY underestimated the strength and connections of his new spouse and pulls his habitual manipulations with her, he may find himself emasculated in ways too numerous and painful to imagine, even for a meretricious Con Job like him.
It's Maxime Bernier all tricked out for a Saturday night.
Yes indeedy, he's just after her money and will end up painfully emasculated. Am I ever lucky I don't walk in his shoes.
I'm just amazed someone finally managed to get MacKay to walk down the aisle.
Hahahaha...Fark headline:
Canadian Defence Minister marries hot Iranian chick. what could possibly go wrong?
I'm wondering if she supports attack ads to win a beauty contest.
Don't forget about MacKay spending our tax dollars on, $1,300 per night luxury hotel suites. He is never cheap, on our tax money.
Flaherty does the same, wasting the same amount on his luxury hotel suites too.
The Canadian tax payers, are being thieved very badly. No wonder Harper is slashing the services, we pay through the nose for.
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