It’s time for the Liberal Party of Canada to stop ignoring Alberta. That was the message leadership candidate Martha Hall Findlay brought to Fort McMurray during a Friday tour of the oilsands, where she reaffirmed her support of the oilsands, as well as the Northern Gateway, Keystone XL and west-to-east pipelines.
She trashes the old NEP, endorses the new, Alberta-centric one. If chosen LPoC leader, she wouldn't get a single vote in B.C.
Ironically, that position wouldn't get her any votes in Alberta either.
Exactly! Because we all know how much of a wasteland BC and Alberta are for the Conserva.... hm. Nevermind.
Hall Findlay is running for a cabinet post, not the actual leadership.
That was brutally apparent in the first debate and nothing has happened since to change my opinion on that.
Why would any Liberal leader put Steve Harper's odious Liberal alter-ego in their cabinet?
MHF has already said she only supported the Northern Gateway pipeline if all the environmental stuff came back okay, which is exactly right and good for her.
As for the national energy strategy the provinces are working on, I don't know how someone would compare it to PET's idiotic National Energy Program that he forced on the provinces. The NEP has to be one of the stupidest programs ever implemented in Canada and if Justin Trudeau can attack it so can MHF.
Brilliant arguments Jordan. "If all the environmental stuff comes back OK'? WTF does that even mean? Perhaps you could also clarify what was so idiotic about the NEP?
Hall Findlay has said she supports shipping oil to the west coast and the NGP in principle, as long as environmental and first nations concerns are met.
How anyone can argue the NEP wasn't stupid is beyond me. It basically took money out of the pockets of Albertans for Ontario and Quebec. The Liberals even started to dismantle it themselves because they knew it was a disaster. Petro Canada was fully sold off under the Liberals so obviously the Chrétien and Martin Liberals didn't agree with Saint PET either, just like his son doesn't.
"Hall Findlay has said she supports shipping oil to the west coast and the NGP in principle, as long as environmental and first nations concerns are met."
Hell will freeze over before that happens. If Harper continues to push this project with his make believe panel and concurrent gutting of environmental regulations, there will be acts of civil disobedience that have never been seen before in this country.
MHF has also criticized Harper's approach and has said that his approach is getting in the way of approving pipelines.
God bless Martha Hall. It is apparent that she will not be a stooge of David Suzuki.
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