Mr. Murphy:
For attribution
The facts of this case and the allegations against Mr. Hossain are of such a serious nature that it properly belongs, in our view, a matter under Canada's hate laws. We are hopeful that the Attorney-General will review this matter thoroughly. There remain a number of other potential legal possibilities that are currently under discussion by CJC's legal committee.
Bernie M. Farber
Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Jewish Congress
4600 Bathurst St.
Toronto Ont.
M2R 3V2
416-635-2883 ext. 5186

I tend to agree with Mr. Farber. What I think will be interesting is the reaction from the cave-dwelling set (Jay, Ezra et al). Their focus has been on section 13 and many of them have used the fact that criminal law deals with hate crime to suggest no need for CHRC intervention.
My prediction; the troggys will use this as an example that all hate laws are useless. You heard it here first.
One thing you have to say for Farber is that he is consistent. I happen to believe Mitka is right in his assesment. Unlike Farber the Levantians will wobble all over the place and in the end their true agenda will be exposed.
I still think Section 13 is important but it needs some work.
I like the fact that Mr. Farber responds to bloggers. Shows that CJC understands the future of communications.
I certainly hope the CJC pursues this matter further. What I read chilled me to my bones.
BCL, does Mr. Farber follow your blog. I was quite impressed that he commented here.
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