My guess?
Fingerprints on the cocaine baggy.
But it all made sense this morning:
The mysterious third party who uncovered serious allegations that led Prime Minister Stephen Harper to toss MP Helena Guergis out of caucus is a private investigator, CTV News has learned.
Police sources say the licensed private eye contacted a Conservative Party lawyer in Toronto, and expressed concern about a potential threat of blackmail arising from allegations about the purchase and use of drugs.
It has not been confirmed who may have purchased or used the drugs in question, or who may have been prone to blackmail.
In the absence of confirmation, lets apply reasoning. Rahim's relationship to the white powder is already in the public domain, so how he would be prone to blackmail is mysterious. Hmmm.
Come on video of Harper snorting cocaine off Guergis' ass! I've had a rough week, I deserve that much!
Shiner, I wish!
Sadly, it's probably much further down and simpler.
My guess –
Media have already broken the story that Guergis has been with Jaffer on at least one dinner with his business cohorts present. She was probably partaking in recreational drug use along with her husband.
I guess we now have an explanation for the behaviour of Princess Helena, at the PEI, airport.
Unless this rises to the level of Miss Huronia smuggling kilos of Peruvian marching powder into Canada in various cavities, folds and internal organs on her person, this is isn't nearly enough for me to care. All it does is confirm what I already knew; I've never had much of an opinion on cocaine (I tried it once) but I've always intensely disliked people who use cocaine.
Why did the PI report to a Conservative lawyer instead of the police or RCMP?
Because (I would speculate) the Conservatives hired the PI.
Because (I would speculate) the Conservatives hired the PI.
Who else would have, if the PI reported to the Conservatives?
Susan Delacourt has a blog featuring an unsigned editorial from the King Township Sentinel. More grist for the mill:
1. Guergis was recuperating from her second miscarriage and was thus "hormonal."
2. She herself doesn't know what the allegations are, despite having publicly described them as "baseless."
While we're on the subject of Star blogs: I can't believe how trivial they've become. Six sports blogs, three mommy blogs, four car blogs and a slew of human interest blogs. Meanwhile, the seasoned journalists are not writing anything worth reading.
Far cry from Antonia Zerbisia's original media blog, which I miss dearly. Canada does not have one single, dedicated news media critic, as far as I know.
I wonder if the Conservatives have PIs investigating each other as a matter of course? I wonder if it's the same PI that was involved with the Rights and Democracy fiasco?
A PI would not break a client's confidence without permission, so either the PI was hired by the Conservatives (loving this, BTW...) or broke confidence (I doubt it) or was given permission by his client to do so. But I can't think of another client who would be investigating this, unless one of Jaffer's business associates not implicated in fraud was doing his own investigation
Hard to imagine anyone doing business with Jaffer not already knowing he's a sleaze. If you wanted to find out if there's dirt on me you might need a PI. For Jaffer a google search will more than suffice.
if it was a conservative hired PI, i wonder if they have a line item in their party budget for such things.
The Star has more on this today:
Seems the PI just volunteered the info. PI's client is unknown, but he had been at this for almost a year. Seems to not be the Conservatives as his client.
I wonder what a PI's obligations are if he discovers evidence of a crime - if there are any, I imagine it would be to the people with legal authority.
From the Star's article:
Snowdy said he also told the Tory lawyer that Gillani boasted that he had cellphone pictures of Jaffer and Guergis partying with high-class escorts when cocaine was being snorted.
Back to my earlier post here:
Media have already broken the story that Guergis has been with Jaffer on at least one dinner with his business cohorts present. She was probably partaking in recreational drug use along with her husband.
Again, all bow before my awesome powers of prognostication. :)
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