An old ARPA article from 2009 has been getting a lot of attention in Ontario over the past few days in light of comments about Tim Hudak and whether he is pro-life. In light of that, we checked back through our old emails from two years ago to verify what was written. The content was correct, but it should have clarifified that the email came from Hudak's campaign team at that time, not Hudak himself.
What this clarification suggests to me is that Hudak's anti-abortion position statement to ARPA in 2009 was his official campaign line at the time. Staffers would not free-lance on a matter like this. So this makes Mr. Hudak's suggestion that he may (or may not) have signed a petition to defund abortion sound disingenuous. Why would a staffer say Hudak had signed when he had not? How would the staffer know unless he had been told?
Politics of fear.. didn't work so well in the last federal election for the LPC.. effort to try and jam Hudak with the "abortion" issue are pretty lame, really.
effort to try and jam Hudak with the "abortion" issue are pretty lame, really.
Hudak, or really in this case his staffers informed the ARPA (Association for Reformed Political Action) that Hudak signed a petition to defund abortion. If he didn't want people to know, Hudak should have told his staffers ixnay on the abortion petition-way.
Politics of fear.. didn't work so well in the last federal election for the LPC.
Troooolllllll. And a bad one at that.
What makes Mr Harvie's comments even more hilarious is the fact that Harper's entire 2011 election campaign was based on fear.
Fear of coalitions, fear of market instability if we change governments (democracy outta be outlawed), fear of Canadians who worked outside of Canada running for PM (Sir John A was obviously just in it for himself too, and the gin), and in the final week fear of socialists (which is a good one to fear, if there were any actual socialist NDP MPs that is).
So if the ONT Liberals are using fear, the are mimicking the best practitioner... Stephen Harper.
I thought this article is really from Ontario.
Maria[grey suits]
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