Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Has Diane Ablonczy Been Demoted For Being Too Gay Friendly?

Ms. Ablonczy is Canada's Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism). She is also the lady who announced that the Federal government would fund Toronto Pride Week to the tune of $400,000. Now Brad Trost, Conservative Member of Parliament representing the riding of Saskatoon—Humboldt, is saying that this decision has cost her:

Speaking to LifeSiteNews.com from his riding office in Saskatoon today, the 36-year-old Conservative said, "The pro-life and the pro-family community should know and understand that the tourism funding money that went to the gay pride parade in Toronto was not government policy, was not supported by - I think it's safe to say by a large majority - of the MPs. This was a very isolated decision."

Trost also hinted that Minister Diane Ablonczy, who was responsible for the funding, lost the file as a consequence of the embarrassment to the Party. Protesting more than once that there was no "official connection," he said, however, "it should be noted that the file has been reassigned to a different Cabinet Minister since that announcement was made." He added, "The whole tourism program and funding for major tourism events is being reviewed."

Trost claimed that "almost the entire Conservative caucus" including "most of the Prime Minister's Office were taken by surprise at this announcement."

Not sure what "lost the file" means in this context, but the most obvious explanation is that the "Tourism" part of the Small Business and Tourism portfolio has been redistributed to somebody else in what I suppose you might describe as micro-cabinet shuffle.

Also, is "touristic" a word? I think it should be.

PS. Interesting that there is absolutely no mention of this alleged demotion in the MSM. Typically, Lifesite has been used as a kind of Tory back-channel to the SoCon base that they don't really expect anyone else to read. This could well be a load of hooey meant to appease the faithful.

PPS. Ms. O'Malley thinks there might be something to it.

Update: Akin weighs in.


Karen said...

Oh, they're spreading the word all right.

Check out the vid's on left, but only if you haven't had breakfast, ;)

Ti-Guy said...

Every year around this time, the fundies engage in an orgy of voyeurism, their bulbous regions engorged as they pore over the photos, video and text that document various "Sex Parades" and sift through the rubbish looking for evidence of elicit congress.

These carnally-obsessed miscreants then undermine the moral fibre of the nation by directing our children to sexually-themed material through references highlighted with tantalising and galvanic exortations such as: "Don't look here!!" "OMG! Not safe for work!!" and "Unnatural sexual perversion you have to see to believe!!"

It's disgusting.

Unknown said...

Is this the same Brad Trost that Harper has told that if he didn't keep quiet his nomination papers would not be signed?


Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

..I've said it before, Conservatives need to isolate and remove themselves from those pockets of the party who feel that to be Conservative is to entitle them to imprint THEIR views of morality on others.

The true achilles heal of the party will, in the long run, be narrow-minded moralists who seek to use the party to imprint their view of "Christianity" on others.. there is truly no moral distinction between theocracy based upon Christianity in Canada and theocracy based upon the Muslim faith in Iran.

Ablonczy was right, and more Conservatives understand the need for more broad-minded social thinkers in the party.. Trost, unfortunately, is a vestige of the Reform Party past, which is fading year after year..

Ti-Guy said...

Conservatives need to isolate and remove themselves from those pockets of the party who feel that to be Conservative is to entitle them to imprint THEIR views of morality on others.

What does that mean, exactly? Form a new party?

What Conservatives need to do is marginalise *them* and remove *them* from your party. And not necessarily because of their moral views but because they're insane. These people go out of their way to be offended. They thrive on outrage and persecution. They can't live without it and will find ways to manufacture it.

They won't avert their eyes when someone's breast-feeding in public, they can't stop searching for porn on the Internet and they won't pull their noses out everyone else's panty drawer, laundry hamper and crotch.

It's not a political issue. It's psychological.

Unknown said...

Does this mean he would not be willing to help the gay pride parade organizers in Saskatoon lobby the federal government for support? I wonder if he has a list of individuals he is willing to help and a list of individuals he is not willing to help?

Anonymous said...

Last Sunday on his broadcast called word.ca, McVety kept going on about the $400 000 funding for Toronto Pride.

He kept talking about it being the Sex Parade and encouraged his viewers--both of them--to write their MPs or the prime minister to complain.

Just watch how he'll crow about how his inciting others would bring about the (possible) resignation of Diane Ablonczy. Of course, it's not his doing but he likes to take credit for everything that seems to go right.

When Crossroads television (possibly) collapses later this year, he won't have much of an audience to speak to.

Question: Was Ablonczy set up for a fall?

Karen said...

Per David Akin, (from Tony Clement), despite what Trost says, Ablonzy still Minister.

bigcitylib said...


Please link. That wouldn't necessarily surprise me. Tories don't think the MSM pays much attention to Lifesite; Trost might have fed them a line thinking it would not be picked up upon.

Karen said...

Here you go

I agree with your statement, so good on you for bringing it to light.

Unknown said...

Interesting response from Trost "Diane is doing a good job, but she didn't handle all details right on this file." Wonder which details he feels were not handled correctly and how serious they were. In order for a government MP to publicly state a cabinet minister was demoted from a position is a pretty major issue.

Karen said...

Here's a more extensive version

bigcitylib said...


And I am sure the minister is relieved that she's generally got the approval of a back-bench nobody.

Unknown said...

I'm sure she does not care but going to be interesting to see if the PMO has any response to a backbench MP openly challenging a Minister like this.

Reality Bites said...

Trost has pretty much guaranteed she not only keeps her job, but funding is increased next year.

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

TG.. form a new party? I don't know, some days, I think maybe.. see my post on James Curran's site today, sharing some despondancy over the "same old, same old" in Canadian politics.

However - as with any party, they need to change and adapt.. I mean, there was a time when all politicians thought that residential schools were perfectly acceptable, and over time, we have hopefully learned (some slower than others) that as society adapts, so to, must our political views.

I mean, it is unlikely that even the NDP has a signficant core who believes that pure socialism is a valid goal of their party.. and other than the most extreme conservative, I doubt that there are many who don't believe in the importance of some form of social net..

So - in this respect, I think those who choose to be Conservative, should work to marginalize and make clear the stupidity of some in the party seeking to create their own warped theocracy.

buckets said...

It seems to me that we're missing an important part of what's going on here. The CPC give money to a Pride parade, thereby assuring mainstream Canada that they are open-minded, etc.

Shortly thereafter, a CPC MP assures those who are offended that, indeed, most Conservative MPs are against this and the minister has been dealt with (specifics almost impossible to parse from reports of the MP's words). This assures the wingers that they are not open-minded, etc.

The result? The government is able to have its cake and eat it too.

Nice trick, if you can get away with it.

bigcitylib said...


Yeah but you want those messages delivered to different audiences.

Same message gets to both = cognitave dissonance.

Ti-Guy said...

Same message gets to both = cognitave dissonance.

But's that's resolved as well, since Conservatives can also believe that the last message is the operative one. Therefore, Ablonczy being disciplined balances out the earlier outrage of a Conservative government funding sex parades.

It DOESN"T MATTER what Harper tells the flock. He's got their hind legs in his boots and they're not going anywhere. In fact, they're loving it.

buckets said...

There's also confirmation bias.

Unknown said...

Heritage Canada also helped fund the Saskatoon gay pride parade. So I'm assuming its a no but anybody know which parade this is?http://www.bradtrost.ca/Gallery/gallery25.html

Anonymous said...

Thanks KNB, for the link, it really explained very well, conservatives have many issues that for me are just crazy.

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