One of the themes that came up repeatedly at the meet-&-greet was: once you've enticed your spanking new Liberal to sign up, what do you do with them? This idea--crowd-sourcing policy research/development--seems a good means of engaging the Membership beyond hitting them up for money every couple of weeks. It also seems a possible means of overcoming some of the financial disadvantage inherent in third-party status. The LPoC rank and file contains a fairly high level of expertise, and volunteering to share esoteric knowledge is just as legitimate a means of giving back as distributing leaflets.
2) Cherniak has a piece up on his Facebook site re The LPoC decision refusing accreditation to citizen journalists at the upcoming convention in Ottawa. God knows I've fought with Jason over the years, but as one of the very first wave of Canadian political bloggers, and as someone who had a hand in how the LPoC developed its online strategy over the last decade, he has earned at least a small spot in the history books. So when he says the current policy is a step in the wrong direction, he should know.
Not that too much should be made of the issue. This truly is "inside baseball" stuff of little importance to the broader population. Nevertheless, its a stupid move. Why, for example, would you want to keep the Stephen Taylor's (CPoC) and Dr. Dawg's of the world off the convention floor? Partisan or no, these people can get your message through to a crowd that may not otherwise get a chance to hear it.
The Summerville amendments to the constitution are a bold step towards remedying the internal democratic deficits of our party.
Anyone who wants to renew the LPC should suppport the passing of these amendments at the coming convention. Let your voices be heard!
And while we're about it, how about fixing the way ordinary members can on a continuous basis float proposals for debate by members on policy matters, and on constitutional changes?
The European Parliament has shown the way with its 2012 Citizens' Initiative concept - why don't we take a leaf out of their book and allow our members and the new class of Supporters similar rights?
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