But of course the whole point is to get Pat Martin to shut up and instead what will happen reminds me of that old Jesus joke where Jesus walks into the inn carrying some nails and a hammer and asks the innkeeper to put him up for the night. Pat Martin will spend the next two years cranking this for all its worth and if I were the NDP I would fund his legal case to the last stand, just to get to discovery.
Somewhere in Harper's inner circle somebody is trying to figure out a way to disappear Matt Meier and RackNine. Or, if they think this latest tactic will put this whole thing to bed, then they really are crazy.
they really are crazy no kidding - what a way to keep things like this in the spotlight.
Another example is Vic Toews and Vikileaks - every time I see/read this brought up in the House, I am reminded on the details of the contents - which are still online via a mirror site . . . with the RoboCon being front and center this week.
Your Honor, I am not guilty of this crime and by the way I am not guilty of the crime I was charged with last week and the one the week before that.
A pundit I talked with tonight figures this will help expose campaign book irregularities, In and Out 2, and start a whole new scandal.
Twitter has word of some $15001 transfers to/from? multiple Con campaigns.
...the whole Robocon scandal is to sue the loudest MP in the HOC
I think they were fishing. In the past Pat Martin has backed down when he's gone too far. I can't see this happening this time.
A pundit I talked with tonight figures this will help expose campaign book irregularities, In and Out 2, and start a whole new scandal.
Whoa, so they really learned their lesson from In and Out 1.
the trap is sprung. Hard to believe Racknine bit. But the fascists have been caught off guard, they're off their game, and they're making mistakes since Harper can't coordinate them all and is being overloaded.
While Toews will be torturing some politically incorrect staffer for making public information more public, the discovery phase of the defamation suit will reveal who knew what, and when. They'll try to have the court case kept in the star chamber, but of course someone will leak all the details.
This is how it will end. Isn't the resemblance uncanny? Will you ever be able to look at Harper's picture again and not see the little glowing "1" around his neck?
Matt Meier doesn't strike me as the most politically astute person in the room. His so-called non-partisan claim looks kind of sketchy when most of his clients are Alberta Wild Rose Party candidates.
He also has another company, 2call.ca
Plus he has a common friend with Michael Sona, the Guelph fall guy. Some failed Woodstock councilor / mayoral candidate, Dave Nadalin, as well as an executive assistant to Julian Fantino, Elecia Elliot.
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