Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rumour: Reporter Who Broke Robocon Story Booted From Manning Conference Party!

Source.  Confirmed here (M. Rowe from Ipolitics)  among other places.

PS.  On a related matter, don't get too excited by Coyne's column from yesterday, mourning how the CPoC's has lost its principles.  He's been writing the same piece for years now.  They still let him into their events, which means that being reamed by Coyne, for a CPoC hardcore, is a bit like being spanked by your grandma.  It doesn't hurt that much.  It isn't meant to.

Update: Dawg has some details that I missed, including the fact that Glen McGregor of the Ottawa Citizen was there and left the party in solidarity with Maher.


Louise Fribance said...

You journalists are so full of yourselves you think the news is all about you. Get over it. You are not the centre of the Universe.

bigcitylib said...

I am not a journalist.

Dwayne said...

Guess Robo-call has run its course

What will be next from our professional crisis makers?

double nickel said...

Louise prefers to get her news from Reformacon talking points. It's easier to not have to think.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Tory messages during an election campaign?

Say it isn't so, Dwayne!

Omar said...

I consider "Anti-Tory messages" public service announcements.

RossK said...

Guess this throwin' folks out and falsely equating fact-based calls to misleading fraudulent ones is what (a) democracy (centre) looks like.


Anonymous said...

Robo calls are legal.

Breaking the law isn't.

liberal supporter said...

I see the cheater party folks are out trying to excuse their crimes because someone badmouthed their candidates.

I can't believe how well Rae is handling this. He keeps releasing admissions of minor shenanigans and the CPC takes the bait every time, trying to convince Canadians that cheating is ok because the Liberals can be politically incorrect. When the 60% aren't rolling their eyes, they're laughing at the antics of the CPC buffoons.

Rae understands the Harpocrites won't be defeated by boring ethics issues. They'll be defeated because Canadians can no longer look at the CPC and keep straight faces.

Dwayne said...

Once more the "progressives" get it wrong.

Another reason to stop jumping to conclusions. But the media, and some others, believe the worst because it confirms their preconceived notion of the world.

Anonymous said...

Who gets it wrong, Dwayne? The link you provide is to the same outfit the reported the original story.
But the story doesn't wash. The event was advertised as open to anyone with $20.

sharonapple88 said...

Another reason to stop jumping to conclusions. But the media, and some others, believe the worst because it confirms their preconceived notion of the world.

Gee, you're right. There's nothing suspicious about an organization associated with the Conservative party kicking out a journalist who broke one of the biggest scandals for the government out of an open party. Nothing suspicious about singling Maher out from a group of journalists and asking him for a laynard. And it doesn't fit a pattern of Conservatives ejecting people from their gatherings who aren't die-hard Conservatives.

We may have jumped to some sort of conclusion, but as Coyne notes, the reputation of the Conservative party isn't the best right now.

Dwayne said...

@Lenny, did you even read the story? Maher was the one who said it was a misunderstanding... So, the media that got up on its hind legs runs away with its tail between its legs, again. Just like robocall... wait for it.

Enjoy the echo chamber folks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Maher says it was a misunderstanding. And your point is...