The biggest upset may be in the Tory stronghold of Brandon-Souris, where a new Forum poll has Liberal Rolf Dinsdale leading Conservative Larry Maguire 44 per cent to 36 per cent. That lead has grown slightly over the last month, in a riding once held by Mr. Dinsdale’s father, a Progressive Conservative, for 31 years. The NDP’s Cory Szczepanski was the pick of 9 per cent of respondents. The results, gathered by interactive voice response (IVR) telephone polling, are considered accurate within four points, 19 times out of 20.
But its only Forum, who are known more for the quantity of their polling rather than the quality. So what this will most likely translate into is a healthy 2nd place finish. It will be awkward for me if Rolf wins. I've watched him play guitar in Kinsella's band on several occasions, but always figured my path to a Senate appointment lay through WK himself. Turns out I might have been sucking up to the wrong gauche punk rocker. D'you know these people spit in public??? In any case, and just in case: Rolf, baby, your playing was gawdamn INCENDIARY!!! Slip me your email and I can send you a CV.
PS. I'm sorry about all the times I've referred to Manitoba as boring. And when I've claimed that "Winnipeg" is an old First Nation's term meaning "Nothing but skeeters", that may not have been entirely accurate either.
It shouldnt be that big of a surprise that there are non- Harper conservative voters in Brandon Souris. Provincially, Brandon East is forever NDP, and Brandon West has flip flopped back and forth over the years between Con and NDP. There is no such thing as a Manitoba Liberal provincially, really. So the Brandon West types are willing to look to the son of a PC -- and frankly there isn't really much difference between a PC and a Liberal. I mean are real PC, and not a neo-con. Plus, a lot of the Brandon-Souris farmers are the ones who supported the wheat board. Not as many gigantic agribusiness operations in that area as say Saskatchewan.
As someone living in the riding, and a passing friend of Rolf, I say get in line for the Senate appointment. Don't kid yourself, this is a true blue Conservative riding, but people are fed up with the Harpercons. Many people are at least. Not sure the Wheat Board decision has any impact on the Tory base here. Farmers close to the border have generally been in favour of selling their own wheat to the USA. The Con shenanigans surrounding their nomination process has turned many of their supporters away from Maguire. he refuses to attend debates, so that's hurting him too. Nov. 25th will be interesting. Also, you are not forgiven for those anti-Manitoba remarks. Iremember each on of them ;)
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