When leaving the room, she said to one reporter, "bunch of babies."
Of course this begs the question: when Windsor's 11 week garbage strike comes to an end, will anyone notice?
Quite a comment outta someone from a city whose main economic claim to fame are a few casinos and their accompanying sex trade workers.
PS. Apparently, Pupatello is a LIBERAL MPP!!! OMG! This is appalling. Does no-one love Toronto? Its not like for we're Calgary, for chrissakes. We got an opera house! The streets go both ways!

Isn't Sandra Pupatello a liberal MPP?
Yeah, you got confused there, BCL. Pupatello's an MPP, not an MP in the Harpy cabinet.
Whoopsie! SAved by a title change, though.
But this is appalling. NOBODY loves us.
Too late! Mark Steyn's already penned a draft of the denunciation.
But this is appalling. NOBODY loves us.
Scanning the Everyman's reaction to the strike, I don't blame them. The residents of Toronto are acting like a bunch of babies. In that way, they're not any different from most Canadians, when they get the chance to spew pseudonymously online. The bulk of it tends to be gushy platitudes ('our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you deal with the heartbreak of little Amber's diarrhoea') or dull and ignorant bile.
She's right. Babies. But then, really, so are the rest of us.
Mostly, our personal happiness rests on our own shoulders. But particularly us blogging types enjoy passing blame onto the "others", whoever they may be at that moment.. for Cons it's Libs, for Libs its Cons, for (Ti-Guy's point) Albertans its the East, for the East, it's the West..
Of course, if anything brings a group together it's a big concentrated group of "others".. hence the glee for which most Canadians hate, variously, Toronto, Calgary, etc..
But then, really, so are the rest of us.
I think I'll be parental and avuncular and let that pass.
Mock if you must, friends. But the secret to Canadian unity has always been and will always be: the hatred of Toronto is the only thing that all regions of Canada share.
Amen Buckets. Amen.
..though Calgary is pulling up fast.
the hatred of Toronto is the only thing that all regions of Canada share.
The place used to deserve it, but not anymore. It's a lot more civil than I remember it as a child. And the food's better.
I think that role should be delegated to the one city that really deserves it and probably wouldn't mind assuming it...Ottawa.
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