What I hope to accomplish is to have the people I am trying to contact for various pieces I'm writing respond to my emails. Saying I'm with The Mark will presumably carry more weight than telling them I'm, like, some guy with a blog. We shall see.
Anyway, my first piece is here, and my bio/photo here.
Now, a couple of things. I will be writing as M.J. Murphy, my "real" world pseud. But don't worry; it's still me. Also, in my picture I was going for the disheveled, "he got this hot by accident" look. The unkempt part comes through A-OK, but the "sexxxiness" appears to have been replaced by a dorky/pervy plus extra chin quality that has become my lot as I grow older.
And before I submitted it, I actually took that photo to one of the graphic designers at my firm. They told me that while photoshop was a wonderful program it was incapable of miracles. They also suggested that I consider liposuction.
"Art Girl" won't be getting her Xmas bonus this year.
Anyway, soon it won't matter. This blog will monetize and I'll be famous. So...Monetize, baby! Monetize NOW!!!
(PS. I hope I haven't given the impression that The Mark actually pays me. It doesn't. Its just that now...book deals...endorsements...hot chicks. Presumably they'll all be coming my way. Real soon.)

Well, so you're a big deal now! LOL.. well, I suppose for any blogger seeing one of us getting paid for what we do is a good thing, even if we disagree to a great extent on the content.
Have fun!
(Oh, btw, if you get a chance, I wouldn't be all broken up if you took a shot at the Conservative governement's introduction of the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century (IP21C) Act - my blog's rant for the day.. yes, all "blogging tories" are not just swilling kool-aid just because it's blue)
The AGW scam all you human haters - aka "Liberal Progressives" so love is unravelling faster than a carry stitch in a cheap chinese sweater.
When the autopsy on the scam happens, we'll make sure that your name & picture are up near the top of the "Fools Who Promoted the AGW Hysteria"
You can believe the AGW theory, or you can believe the climate data, but not both.
I'm not getting paid for it, and I hope the post doesn't give that impression. Its just that, presumably, money follows fame.
As for IP21C, yeah I've been thinking about that one. I haven't really written anything about it yet, because I don't think it has a hope of passing. But I will give it some thought.
BCL - it's not far off from the previous Liberal bill, and all things considered, I'm not holding my breath for Ignatieff to step up and say no.. guess we'll see.
I may be voting green next election.
It's not far off from the previous Liberal bill, and all things considered, I'm not holding my breath for Ignatieff to step up and say no...
It's always the Liberals' fault, isn't it?
Man, that photo of you is, err, great!
Congrats on the writing gig, though. :-)
Terrence: Maybe BCL can write for The Standard sometime. I think he'd do libertarianism more justice than that credentialed asshole Craig Yirush ever did.
Ti-Guy.. your persistent and never-ending negativism is, well, just sad.
If you read my earlier post, rather than just knee-jerk into "attack mode", you will see:
"I wouldn't be all broken up if you took a shot at the Conservative governement's introduction of the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century (IP21C) Act - my blog's rant for the day.. yes, all "blogging tories" are not just swilling kool-aid just because it's blue)...
In other words, I think the government (Conservative government) has their head up their ass on this one, in a serious way, and I would welcome the Liberals attack on this bill.. and if that occurred, I might even be swayed to consider them again as a voting alternative.
However - as I point out, unfortunately I think it's unlikely when one compares the current bill to the previous proposals under the Liberal governemnt.
So.. I'm hardly "blaming the Liberals"..
Ti-Guy.. your persistent and never-ending negativism is, well, just sad.
Huh? I'm in a great mood. You're mistaking skepticism, critical thinking and being sardonic with pessimism. It's a cultural thing, I'm afraid.
...and if that occurred, I might even be swayed to consider them again as a voting alternative.
The Liberals don't want you, Rob. Vote Green if you need an alternative. Anyway, that's a little unconvincing coming from the President of the Lethbridge East Progressive Conservative Constituency Association, no?
Congrats, BCL. Do the progressive blogosphere proud :)
I'm sincere.. for all the caterwalling about neocon fascists.. I'm truly concerned over the apparent efforts beign exerted by our PM to undermine our personal liberty. To me, that is above all, and is certainly above party lines.
As I've said before, while I have a certain political bent, I'm probably one of the great middle, truly, because I've voted for both major parties several times.. and if I'm feeling uneasy, I'm sure others are as well.
Now I'm not going to bullshit anyone, I'm not impressed with Ignatieff and what I see as a thin venere of "principals".. but I would rather deal with a modest tax increase to fund some assinine gun control lobby (I don't own a firearm) and daycare, than support a government who appears to consider rights of due process and court oversight as an annoyance to their goals of "law and order".
I'm truly concerned over the apparent efforts beign exerted by our PM to undermine our personal liberty.
One way of re-orienting the imagination with respect to freedom is to realise that your rights are *not* inalienable or fundamental. They're not rights at all. They're social conventions and require constant vigilance and concerted action in order to be protected.
The last eight years (illegal surveillance, rendition, secret prisons, official propaganda passed off as 'news', 'free speech zones', systemic corruption and rampant conflict of interest, etc. etc.) have taught me that. There's been no bigger fraud perpetrated on the average North American democrat than the one that has convinced them that their rights are something no one can take away from them.
Sure, it'd be great if that were true, but unfortunately, it isn't and never will be.
I'd support BCL writing for the WS. I was really enthusiastic when Warren Kinsella wrote a piece for us some time back, and he's waay more partisan than our host.
A liberal enfant terrible would be an asset.
I'd have to think about that awhile.
On another topic, the WS website has been crashing my browser pretty consistantly for the past couple of days. Usually Shotgun, not the homepage.
I started to respond TG.. but then, I became so interested in the idea of the idea of "freedom" that I decided to appropriate your comments into my blog.
That's what you get for making an interesting comment.
Your current enfant is not terrible enough, eh? Not to worry; he seems well on his way to following in the footsteps of his buddy, Andrew Breitbart.
...I blame Bisphenol A.
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