I would suggest that the N-Mom, who've I've written about here, and who ARC has covered extensively, will probably not be getting custody of her child now. There's usually more wrong with these people than just an odd fondness for leather and swastikas.

Well, now that it involves theft of stuff, the propertarians will be no doubt be throwing her under a bus. Filling her kid's head with noxious hate and using her body as if it were the cover of an issue of the Völkischer Beobachter? That's family values, you social-engineering liberal fascists!
This has been a pretty bad week for 'Nazi Mom.' First only three people show up to the protest showing to voice their support for her (I'm not even sure Fromm was there, and he was the one who organized it) and now this.
Those kids will have a much better life having nothing to do with her.
Oh, and rembemer that it's the ARC Collective now Agent #2134. And don't forget the secret password, handshake or official lager.
Compared to Omar Khadr's mom, this women would still qualify for Mother of the Year.
And compared to Paul she'd qualify as father of the year.
Compared to Paul, she'd qualify as mildly interesting.
Brings back memories of the right wing making fun of beer and popcorn - this is proof that not all parents know how to bring up kids.
Whenever I hear the wackos mock the beer and popcorn I wonder how shallow and uninformed people can be. I have a girlfriend who is a family lawyer who specializes in abuse and domestic violence cases and what kids go through is frightening.
I just love when racists argue back about racism with another example of hate or racism. Like that justifies it. Morons.
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