Admittedly, it is a very nice graph:

Not to repeat myself, but here's the short version; their long-range weather predictions are based upon biblical exegesis.
Good luck to my English readers (assuming I have any, that is).

Not to repeat myself, but here's the short version; their long-range weather predictions are based upon biblical exegesis.
Good luck to my English readers (assuming I have any, that is).
Climate predictions based on the Bible ?
Climate predictions based on simplistic computer models ?
Climate predictions based on a theory that a change trace gas in our atmosphere will cause yet to be determined positive feedback loops that will send the climate into a warming frenzy ?
All are silly.
None are science.
There is no mention anywhere that the y axis is greatly exaggerated.
This greatly out of scale exaggeration shows dramatic temperature changes beyond their normal magnitude.
If years and temperature axes were at the same scale the line would cleave very closelly to the x axis and one would need a microscope to see the temperature changes.
Bad science then, and it's propounded by a party that's close to the same league as the Flat-Earth Society.
None are science.
Will you just die already?
Solar activity (solar flares and sun spots) have virtually ceased in the last few years . . . temperatures all over the globe have been dropping.
Last winter was the coldest in decades . . . the Thames in London froze, they skated on it . . . it snowed in North Africa. But Al Bore continues to make millions . . . with his GW nonsense.
Hansen has been 100% wrong for 20 years now . . . and you want to talk about the "Science"????
There is no science . . . CO2 is a rare gas, .036% of the atmosphere, mostly created naturally . . . man contrubites only 3% of the .036%.
If you have the "Provable real repeatable Science" please post . . . the world is waiting!!!
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