I've argued many times during Dion's tenure that, given the LPoC's position of weakness, it was okay to play a bit of political jujitsu and let stuff pass in the HOC knowing it would expire "in the process" behind the scenes somewhere. However, I thought that those days of weakness were all behind us now and it would be possible to fight some of these battles in broad daylight.
It appears I was mistaken.
IP21C is the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act (read Geist for background). This is another bill that I have assumed will go nowhere. However, Roblaw (a decent Libertarian-type dude who visits occasionally and argues with Ti-Guy) tells me it resembles previous, LPoC introduced legislation, and so perhaps there will be discussions re "How do we weasel out of this one without looking SoC?" in LPoC backrooms over the summer.
Frankly, this looks to me like the kind of legislation (like C-15) more likely to split the Tory constituency rather than progressives, and therefore something LPoC could safely stand tall against, but what do I know?

"C-15 is the law imposing mandatory minimum penalties on drug dealers that the Liberals got behind about a few weeks ago in an attempt to dodge the "Soft on Crime" (SoC) label, thus triggering a certain amount of angst among loyal supporters and more generally anyone blessed with a lick of common sense."
Are you calling the Liberals "Hypocrites?"
IP21C is known by the 2 bills that are now designated to pass it: Bill C-46 and Bill C-47, which I wrote about here, and also which I encouraged people to join the FB group to advocate either defeating them or modifying them so that police snooping requires judicial oversight.. i.e. a warrant.
"Proud Canadian, politicians are hypocrites. Sorry to disappoint you and your friends at the Gas Station outside of Buttfuck Nowhere. Now go and bitch about something else like Chretien..."
Jon Pertwee I didn't say that they are or not hypocrites? I just asked a simple question,whether Mr.Murphy believes that that the Liberals are hypocrites when it comes to bill C-15 thats all.
I think they let the legislation pass even though they know it is a piece of crap that won't work.
I don't have a huge problem with cracking down on organised criminal activity. It's an effective law-and-order response that weakens the institutions of crime by going after their finances and their network of associations. I want the money taken out the drug trade. An end to prohibition in Canada, at this point, won't work because the drug trade is globalised.
I just don't trust that the Conservatives really care about all that, so much as pandering to their "jail 'em all!" base of retards.
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