...just below the visible surface of the Liberals' position, there's the coded appeal to bigotry in the post 9/11 era -- that it's those Muslim schools that really need to be watched.
Word to Conservatives: Blo...Me...!
Personally, what I don't like about John Tory's religious schools funding proposal is his plan to let Fundies teach Jesus in Science class. Mind you, what ticks off hardcore righties is the perception that, if their religious school takes public money, they wont be able to bash gays as thoroughly as they might like.
So lets be honest: Ontarians hate Mr. Tory's plan for all sorts of reasons, and Muslims aren't even in the top five.
And lets put the onus where it deserves to be: this was a crap policy cooked up by a crap "leader" of Ontario's crap Conservatives. You guys are always talking about "responsibility". Why not take some?
Whooee! Yer on the money a hunnert percent's worth, BigCity. It ain't just Grits who don't like Tory's dumbass dibisive ideas. There's a lotta Tories comin' over to the Greens on accounta the Greens is the only ones who say there oughta just be one system.
There's plenty o' small-c cons an' small-l libs who see the unfairness o' fundin' the Papists but none o' the other cults. Fundin' every cult that can hire a teacher and find a classroom ain't what's good fer education in Canada.
We oughta be pullin' together an' workin' side by side with folks who got different beliefs. How else are we gonna unnerstand 'em? An' I don't like it too much when the publick purse is payin' fer preachifyin' any religion.
Would someone explain why no religous group like 100 Huntley St. is even mentioning the Tory proposal? Are the fundies so afraid of this that they won't even mention it?
BTW, CFRB has not let up ont his issue for the last couple of days. Very much like Fox doesn't let up on issues.
Wait, the cons are now complaining that lefties are prejudiced against Muslims? But I thought they also believed that we were all for enabling the Great Islamofascist Conspiracy to take over the world!
I'm so confused.
The problem is the way Tory sold it to guys like you BCL.
Don't worry about those damn Christians, Jews or Muslims. Everything the government touches turns to shit so you can ensure to fulfill your wishes of screwing these groups by publicly funding their schools.
Too bad for you that there aren't any identifiable Asian or Slavic schools we can throw into the mix and fund to screw them too.
A couple important things.
First, only shut-ins and retards religiously listen to CFRB.
Second, ths Sun is habitually read by people who move their lips when they read large script on freeway billboards.
Last, does anyone know if Kinsella is being investigated for his extremely close relationship with the McGuinty Liberals ? His blog, a disgrace, I agree, is nothing more than frontline Liberal propaganda. Can we expect a full disclosure about related expenditures in the Liberal election expense report ?
Well, he does mention the Ani-Muslims in Labels, Dante, so you'll have to content yourself with that. Ani-Muslims are just like Anabaptists, only with brighter plumage.
PS I love this post.
...just below the visible surface of the Liberals' position, there's the coded appeal to bigotry in the post 9/11 era -- that it's those Muslim schools that really need to be watched.
I think the right whingers have this one right with one minor change. It should be;
...just below the visible surface of the Liberals' position, there's the coded appeal to our bigotry in the post 9/11 era -- that it's those Muslim schools that really need to be watched.
McGuinty used this issue to drive a wedge between the insane bigots and the insane supporters of the right. It's that obvious.
Wait, the cons are now complaining that lefties are prejudiced against Muslims? But I thought they also believed that we were all for enabling the Great Islamofascist Conspiracy to take over the world!
Connies....Sure keep ya hoppin'!
...Stupidest, meanest people on the face of the Earth. If the Conservative rank-and-file are manufacturing this little rationalisation to explain the reaction to Tory's proposal, then the rest of us can conclude that Tory's proposal was indeed made to foment division.
We really don't need these people.
And Christians! Don't forget they hate Christians!
Man, you're a humourless knob. Did you have a big bowl of Crabby Flakes today?
Yes, we know, conservatives are mean, blah blah blah. Grow up, grow a pair, and try living in the real world. When you move out of your parent's basement you'll learn soon enough.
The cons are just pissed that John Tory has handed the Liberals the election wrapped up with a neat little bow.
Lorrie Goldstein and I used to hang when we were in high school and I was surprised that a genial sixties kid devolved into such a poison-pen ultra-rightie. But to accuse the Liberals of deliberately stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment is over the top even for Lorrie.
The Liberals didn't make religious school funding an issue. Tory did. How by any stretch does a spirited defence of public schools constitute bigotry?
Really, the cons, if they're to gain any credibility with the public, should stop using spin doctors from Tory's private clinics.
Has anyone yet had the chutzpah (a word I learned despite my secular education) to predict a larger Liberal majority than 2003?
I'm not saying it will happen, but I'm by no means ruling it out. And if it comes to pass, remember where you heard it first. ;)
"Wait, the cons are now complaining that lefties are prejudiced against Muslims? But I thought they also believed that we were all for enabling the Great Islamofascist Conspiracy to take over the world!"
Generally speaking lefties are all in favor of the muslim invasion and handing their countries over to them. It isn't really an issue in North America but the geniuses in Europe decided to flood their countries with the worst possible people on Earth and pay them to breed. Then they made it a crime and more importantly threatened the livelihood of any indigenous person who complained about it.
It'll be fun to watch the fireworks in twenty years. The riots in Paris in 2005 (which the media here essentially ignored) were just a small preview.
I log on as an "anonymous" because I'm ancient and can't do otherwise. I notice however that the anonymice that contribute here are mostly nasty unthinking dregs. Are they ashamed of there identity or is it just one tool who "dont know no better..eh"?
will fudger (sedum)
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