I know I shouldn't be giving attention to these guys, but I do love a good mystery and, yes, a good "viral campaign" even if its for evil ends. More pictures here. For what its worth, this is all supposed to be happening at the Missouri State Fair, and all the politicians referenced in the handouts above are indeed Missouri Republicans.
The "Missouri Chairman" bears a striking familial resemblance to Stephen Taylor. If he can do Taylor's "Marlo Thomas" grin, that'd clinch it.
What am I saying? All doughy, sweaty Conserva-boys look the same to me.
That was exactly my first thought. Look at a photo of Taylor and try to imagine him without the boy beard. (Scroll to the bottom here: http://www.stephentaylor.ca/; or here for a closer look: http://www.stephentaylor.ca/archives/stephen-taylor-tasha-kheiriddin.jpg).
Ti-Guy has a crush... how sweet.
Boy beard? Well, if a man/boy wants to wear a beard, it might be a good idea to have a nice full beard. Taylor's look scruffy - like hair has fallen away or something.
Either you have it or you don't - Taylor doesn't.
Wow, Tasha is really um...angular...in that photo.
Yo Taylor, Tell your cousin we're on to him.
Man that dude is ugly, no matter how much booze I quaff.
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