Everyone knows that the idea of a "private vote" going unwhipped is a lotta hoo-hah. Witness the fact that the Bloc will be opposing Bill C-391 en masse even though many of their MPs are from rural areas. One simply applies the whip in a discreet fashion, under such circumstances, if your party leader is so inclined.
However, I fear The NDP and esp. The Liberals (because a few have suggested this to me privately) see Bill C-391 as a means of getting the Gun Registry issue off the table. So when it finally receives royal assent the Libs. blame NDP dissidents, the NDP blame Liberal Senators, and several billions of $s go down the tubes. But, on the other hand, the rurals out in boonyville put away their pitchforks for the time-being.
PS. Meanwhile some NDPers are apparently angry that the Tories are still mistreating them even after they have caved on the issue. For example , NDP groveller Charlie Angus whines graphically he describes his mistreatment at Tory hands even though he has totally fucking debased himself for them.
"NDP groveller Charlie Angus whines graphically he describes his mistreatment at Tory hands even though he has totally fucking debased himself for them."
So cheap shot attack ads are alright then as long as they attack those who you disagree with??? I'll have to remember that the next time I read anything hear bemoaning that practice here and chuckle at the irony.
But, on the other hand, the rurals out in boonyville put away their pitchforks for the time-being.
Like I said before, the Conservatives will just manufacture some other issue to get them riled up. It's especially easy when the stakes are low.
They have the votes. Add the two NDP MP form the Lakehead, add Nickelbelt NDP MP Claude Gravelle, add Labrador MP Todd Russell.
I wounder if Tom Mulcair would have whipped the vote as NDP leader?
Big City,
Your leader keeps telling us we need to have more "adult conversations".
Ok, why not have one here?
Angus's comment was bang on and applies equally to NDP as Liberal MPs. Harper is inching toward majority territory exactly because of this divisive brand of politics Harper revels in. So cut Angus some slack. One day soon it'll be a Liberal saying exactly the same thing.
And besides, Angus is one of the best kinds of MPs there is--he stands up and fights for all his constituents, regardless of whether they voted for him or not.
But what of the gun registry? The very fact that as many Liberal MPs as NDP ones are ready to vote it down speaks volumes about its flaws.
As an urbanite, I believe firmly in gun control; however I also know that people primarily involved in gun crimes don't have the social politesse to sign up to a registry which naively believes they would.
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