Weirdly enough, this is a case of life imitating art. As I reported almost a year ago, sculpture Danial Edwards has created a topless vision of Hillary, "A Presidential Bust", which the artist hopes will instigate "a discussion about sex, politics and celebrity". Furthermore the question of "Hillary's hotness" was raised even earlier by actress Sharon Stone, who claimed that Hillary might simply be "too sexxxy" for the Whitehouse.
Nor should Canadians be complacent, for our own politics are not above such trivial concerns. I have argued in the past, and indeed correctly, I think, that Gerard Kennedy was denied the Liberal Leadership, not over matters of policy, but because of his hair. He simply possessed too much of it, and it was too soft and too lustrous, for the Liberal Party establishment. They feared his hair, and what the effect might be were Gerard to go before the people of Canada with hair that was, on the whole, so much better than average. Would Canadians connect with a hair God, or would Gerard seem elitist and out of touch?

Too Sexxxy To Lead
Hair ?? Trying to change the channel from the latest Liberal Party corruption & theft of taxpayers money via a Slush Fund ??
" $200,000 grant lacked records (Star)
the auditor found no written request for funding. In fact, since the group was operating for less than two years, it didn't qualify for a grant under other programs administered by the ministry.
"We had a number of groups where there wasn't any documentation of what they wanted the money for," McCarter noted.
As first reported by the Toronto Star last spring, the group had numerous Liberal connections.
One member of its executive had worked for Health Minister George Smitherman. Another, Reza Moridi, has since left the executive and become a Liberal candidate for the Oct. 10 provincial election.
Yet another quit to become a Liberal riding association president. And another is a long-time acquaintance of Finance Minister Greg Sorbara.
However, McCarter concluded the political connections were not a factor in the group getting the grant. "
"Quebec MP Pablo Rodriguez will never lead the Liberal Party. He is simply too hot, and his hair too extraordinary, for the position."
Ack! MJ! Men do not describe other men as "hot" UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES unless they are gay, which you are not. Is that clear?
Fuck, I caught seven strains of teh ghey from this post.
The cure for being infected with unwanted sexual feelings is to look at pictures of Angelina Jolie to re-affirm your orientation. Everyone wants to have sex with Jolie, men, women, gays, straights...the lengths to which you'll go to engineer a tryst with Jolie will determine whether you're currently in the right place vis-a-vis your own sexual orientation.
Have to disagree with you there, Ti-Guy; AJs transnational progressivist agenda, stunt babies, and proclivity for cutting herself are a bit of a turn off to some of us conservatives. And she might as well be wearing an "I'm With Stupid" t-shirt the way she drags her boyfriend around while doing her Mother Theresa schtick. Blech.
How about that Scarlett Johannsen broad? Even the gay guy felt her up on live TV, so she must hold some attraction to gays.
AJs transnational progressivist agenda, stunt babies, and proclivity for cutting herself are a bit of a turn off to some of us conservatives.
And there we have it...Conservative sex in a nutshell: "I'd like to shag her and she's imminently shaggable, but her transnational progressivist agenda is a real turn-off. And Scarlett Johansson's a broad."
No wonder they like John Wayne and Paul Newman "male nipple" movies.
I think my post was deleted by accident. Here it is again
Ti-Guy said...
AJs transnational progressivist agenda, stunt babies, and proclivity for cutting herself are a bit of a turn off to some of us conservatives.
And there we have it...Conservative sex in a nutshell: "I'd like to shag her and she's imminently shaggable, but her transnational progressivist agenda is a real turn-off. And Scarlett Johansson's a broad."
No wonder they like John Wayne and Paul Newman "male nipple" movies.
So if they are in fact Gay, as you seem to be suggesting, is that bad? I hope that is not what you're saying. I find that offensive. Maybe you don't understand how difficult coming out is. Ridiculing sexual predilections and how each individual is forced to confront them is very close minded, I think.
I have a Japanese friend who is a professor at an Ivy League university. On a scale of 1 to 10 in "gayness" he is an 11. Way gay! Yet Japanese society frowns on homosexuality and he refuses to embarrass his family for that reason, so as a friend I show respect for his situation and try make him feel comfortable. He is such a decent, kind and intelligent man. I would hate to see him belittled for his choices.
Have I misunderstood you? I sort of hope I have. If so, my apologies.
Lighten up. You're draining the fun out of this blog.
Hillary Clinton - too sexy?
Too funny.
It was an Interesting read That Sadly, and for the same reason, Quebec MP Pablo Rodriguez will never lead the Liberal Party. He is simply too hot, and his hair too extraordinary, for the position.
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