The online survey of 1,500 Canadians over the age of 18 was conducted between Aug. 2 and Aug. 4 and is accurate to ±2.5%.
And released today, presumably on orders from the Vampire Teneycke, who has just risen from three weeks slumber. Notice how they haven't been able to poach any newsies from the other media outlets recently? Those folk recognize the stench of the grave.
One can hope.
And released today, presumably on orders from the Vampire Teneycke.
Taken, no doubt, with a grain of salt with the ones that are presumably on orders from the Non-Partisan Frank Graves.
An utter "flop", eh? So surprising. Or not :D
Oh, Michael, do you live in never never land?
Frank Graves has done work for both the Libs and Cons - but you fell for Teneyke's BS. What a gullible fool.
Well, it's now August 21st and things have changed in a couple of weeks.
This is not a current poll - it's OLD.
I see what the Sun are up to. Trying to demean everyone. Coren has an article today slamming another newspaper.
Leger should be careful here. They will lose all their credibility, if there's any left.
I would suspect the opposite it true, so Kid Kory is trying to manipulate minds again.
*SIGH* Oh Sandi. Old? The Leger poll was taken the same time two weeks ago while you guys and your media stooges were absolutley orgasmic over EKOS polls showing Tories and the Grits tied, while the PM was on vacation, and while you guys were browbeating the voters about the census.
Summer is just about done and Iffy's playtime is over. Good gravy, stop deluding yourself.
It is obvious Michael is trying to convince himself.
A poll that claims to speak to the entire tour, taken 3 weeks ago and released today. It is a joke.
I will give Michael the benefit of the doubt and suggest he is smart enough to know it is a joke. He just needs the false bravado to get him through the day. He thinks by coming here with his dire predictions of liberal failure, it is going to make liberal supporters doubt Ignatieff. What the conservatives really, really need is for the backstabbing in the liberal party to begin again. The goal is to sow seeds of doubt about Ignatieff.
Personally I am amused at how hard they try to convince themselves Ignatieff will be a failure.
The goal is to sow seeds of doubt about Ignatieff.
Heh, those seeds were planted long, ago. Perhaps this Fall we will have a traditional harvest to pick the fruit from those trees. Well, we'll see, hmm? In the meantime, we'll see what other little "gems" Iffy regurgitates for all of us. :D
He thinks by coming here with his dire predictions of liberal failure it is going to make liberal supporters doubt Ignatieff.
There is no "predication" necessary in this regard; there already is L(l)iberal failure. The current reality is not a "predication"; it is Ignatieff as he always is and always will be your annointed dud. Even your beloved EKOS (LOL) has shown the Tories regaining some of that traction aleady. Can't hardly wait until the other polls fall into line and show a similar trend. :D
Frank Graves has done work for both the Libs and Cons - but you fell for Teneyke's BS. What a gullible fool.
And speaking of "LOL". Its as if he provides provides polling for CBC, over his “advice” given to the Liberal Party to start a “culture war”. And this pollster is your holiest-of-holies, the pacifier that you guys have been clutching all summer.
Gawd, I can't wait for an election. Enjoy your little illusions - while they last. Buh bye.
You're trying too hard. It shows.
ha ha ha ha ha
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