Its my birthday, by the way. 47 years old on Friday the 13th. Turned 13 on Friday the 13th, too. So I am being lazy. Luckily, I am more a dispenser of bad luck than a recipient. I'm surprised there hasn't been an earthquake or rain of frogs today, killing everyone around me but leaving me to go through their wallets.
If you're thinking of coming into T.O. this evening, don't. If you live here, go to your cottage.
Happy birthday man!
In some cultures, the number 13 is good luck. It could be a coincident, but I had one of my luckiest days in months today.
Happy Birthday, BCL. Though I would argue that mothers are the ones who should be congratulated on the day of their child's birthday. :)
Happy Birthday BCL! We're the same age. Young enough to kick ass and old enough to know who's ass too kick! Have a good one!
Happy Birthday. I got married on the 13th.
happy birthday squire. still one of my favourite stops.
Happy birthday.
Ok, it's Saturday now, so get back to striking back.
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