Conservatives: 32 per cent (-6)
NDP: 15 per cent (-3)
Bloc Quebecois: 10 per cent (same)
Green Party: 9 per cent (+2)
Ontario and Quebec are pretty much where they've been.
Liberals: 45 per cent (+11)
Conservatives: 32 per cent (-7)
NDP: 15 per cent (-3)
Green Party: 9 per cent (same)
Bloc Quebecois: 40 per cent (+3)
Liberals: 29 per cent (+5)
Conservatives: 15 per cent (-7)
NDP: 9 per cent (-3)
Green Party: 6 per cent (+2)
Note to self: don't piss off them Quebecers. Talk of "ordinary folk" doesn't play there at all.
And I'd like to see a fuller breakdown of "The Western Canada" numbers
Conservatives: 46 per cent (-7)
Liberals: 24 per cent (+8)
NDP: 19 per cent (-3)
Greens: 11 per cent (+2)
...that show where the improvement is coming from. I am assuming B.C.
Blue Like you asks: How much longer will left-leaning Libbers put up with Iggy?
Well, you know, I find I'm hanging in there pretty good.
Ugh. No more Joanne (Blue Like You), please. She's just too stupid:
"Well, several of my readers from out West tell me that calling the oil sands ‘dirty oil’ and ‘tar sands’ is an insult. So if your party is supposed to speak with one voice, I don’t know how you expect to get away with that."
Yeah, don't insult the tar sands. That bitumen has very thin skin.
"several of my readers" - just look at who her readers are - Dumb, Dumber, Dummest, Dummier, Dumby and the rest of Snow Blues elves.
She is not stupid. She just sees her role as dispensing propoganda for Harper. I suspect she is a lot smarter than "several" of her readers.
Her current obsession with Iggy speaks of her fear of the man.
"Note to self: don't piss off them Quebecers. Talk of 'ordinary folk' doesn't play there at all."
Doesn't go well over here either. I've never met an "ordinary" person in my life.
"How much longer will left-leaning Libbers put up with Iggy?
"Well, you know, I find I'm hanging in there pretty good."
Then your definition of "left" must differ from that of many others.
I'm with Ocean on her last comment - ditto.
I suspect she is a lot smarter than "several" of her readers.
That's really not saying much. She's a typically stupid Blogging Tory who should have realised ages ago that "grass roots" involves building community and not giving insane cranks carte blanche to turn her comments section into a cesspit of shrieky ignorance.
Damian Penny is giving blogging (for now) and while some are lamenting that loss, I'm not. He may have been a reasonable conservative, but his bilious commenters (who he rarely interacted with) turned his blog into an irritating and dreary echo chamber.
Then your definition of "left" must differ from that of many others.
What exactly is your definition of left? A world dominated by social workers?
My disappointment doesn't come as a result of Iggy himself, but at the realisation that politics in this country is all that remains. Until our lousy news media goes bankrupt, we cannot escape it.
How long would we put up with Iggy? Long enough to get rid of that toxic despot currently residing at 24 Sussex.
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