A buddy of mine from work wandered onto the IJV-led protest/JDL-led counterprotest outside of the Summerhill LCBO on the weekend. He asked me: "What's Going On With the Jewish Bike Gang?"
And I thought: "Holy crap! Did the JDL bring in the heavy mob to muscle the severely outnumbered IJV protesters?"
Apparently, not quite. The bikers were members of "Yids on Wheels", and they there a "club" rather than a "gang". Intimidating looking, however:

Well, maybe not. Mind you, the folks at the CCD says these guys were "singing and dancing", and that might have been a bit scary.
More (and more serious) coverage of the event can be found here.
It's just motorcycle gear - people forget that there's serious amounts of armor in those jackets - and it makes anyone wearing them look bulky.
Black leather is rather the default in men's...at least for those who ride cruisers.
I didn't know a boycott was necessary as an excuse to avoid purchasing Israeli wines.
Ti-Guy before making ignorant comments you should try the wine.
Here is part of a New York Times story on Israeli wines:
Israel's Wine
The wine scene is fairly new in Israel. At one time, only parochial kosher wines of little interest to the outside world were produced, but since the 1980s, the wine industry in Israel has undergone a major revolution. The Golan Heights (Ramat Ha Golan) Winery, which opened at Qatzrin in 1983 set new standards of quality and inventiveness. Its 1984 Cabernet Sauvignon won a gold medal at the International Wine and Spirit Competition, and the winery has three times received the Chairman's Award for Excellence at Vinexpo. A wave of other new, smaller wineries throughout the country followed this success.
The Golan Heights Winery remains the leader in the climb toward new standards of excellence, concentrating on the production of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, as well as crisp, dry Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay, and a good semidry Emerald Riesling. Golan Heights wines are produced in the "Yarden," "Gamla," and "Golan" series. "Yarden" is the most prestigious of the three, known especially for its deep red Yarden Cabernet Sauvignon, but all Golan Heights series are good.
Carmel Mizrachi, the largest winery in Israel, also underwent a quality revolution. Its "Rothschild" series is increasingly prestigious, and includes quality Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, as well as Chardonnay, Emerald Riesling, and Sauvignon Blanc.
The smaller Baron Winery and the Barkan Winery are also worthy of note, as are the interesting wines of the Latrun Monastery near Jerusalem, and the wines of the West Bank's Bet Jalla Monastery, which are sold inside Israel at the Monastery at Bet Jimal, south of Beit Shemesh. The Binyamina Winery, near Zichron Yaacov, has recently begun to produce quality wines. Among the up-and-coming "boutique" wineries, look for the Dalton Winery north of Safed, the Amiad Winery near Korazim northeast of the Sea of Galilee, the Tzora Winery in the hills west of Jerusalem, and the legendary Margolit wines, produced by the owner of an Italian restaurant in Jerusalem, which are generally available only by advance reserved purchase.
Sampling the Grape--Israel's symbol has long been the familiar picture of the spies sent into Canaan by Moses returning with a bunch of grapes so huge they had to hang it from a pole to carry it. Now modern Israel is using grapes in a new way, to produce notable, prize-winning wines.
Information about Israeli wines is available in Jerusalem at the remarkable Avi Ben Wine Store, 22 Rivlin St. (tel. 02/622-3018), and also at Gaffen wine shop, 42 Emek Refaim St. (tel. 02/561-9617), in the German Colony. In Jaffa, the gourmet and atmospheric Yoe'ezer Wine Bar (tel. 03/683-9115), opposite the Clock Tower on Yefet Street, offers a wonderful chance to sample fine Israeli and imported wines, accompanied, if you like, by excellent food. The owner of Yoe'ezer Wine Bar, Shaul Evron, a noted Israeli journalist and food critic, is usually on hand to offer careful advice and suggestions
Ti-Guy before making ignorant comments you should try the wine.
I beg your pardon? Where do you come off calling my comment ignorant simply because it reflects a particular opinion I have of Israeli wines, which I'm entitled to have. And I've drunk my share of Israeli wines. If you don't like that, too bad.
Seriously, some people's manners.
You should be lucky I didn't say anything about Israeli...*urg*...food.
BCL - thanks for reminding me of Isreali wine. The best wine I have ever had (and I have had plenty) came from Israel. Incidentally, chocolates coming out of Israel are also very very good. Ever tried them yourself. You should.
Gotta run before the LCBO store closes for the day - I am in the mood for some Israeli wine. Long live Israeli, Long live the lovely things they give us.
Go crazy, man. Just remember, grip both sides of the toilet when you barf, and try to pass out on the floor rather than with your head actually IN the bowl of the toilet.
This advice works for all wines, not just Israeli wines.
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