Jay Hill
shovels Eastern $$$s out of the back of his pickup truck with a pitchfork! Chetwynd, Tumbler Ridge, and The Village of Pouce Coupe win big!
Meanwhile, Andrew Coyne
contemplates ending it all: "It wasn't supposed to be like this! We're supposed to be
Conservatives, goddamn it!"
Hmmmm...would be quite a project to start listing the monies being spent and where and see if it is actually CPC ridings mostly.
Hmmmm...would be quite a project to start listing the monies being spent and where and see if it is actually CPC ridings mostly.and/or boarderline CPC ridings (which may be for sale at the RIGHT price)
I don't think I'll ever understand Andrew Coyne. For a sire of Canada's incestuous elite, he appears (or pretends) to be woefully naive. In any case, his vague meanderings simply don't cut it.
He could point specifically to where things have fallen apart (leadership, decaying institutions, compromised or intellectually bankrupt business and academic elite, THE MEDIA, etc. etc.) to better explain his never-ending malaise, but all one ever comes away with is this dreary sense that *all of us* just continue to disappoint him.
Someone really should have given Little Lord Fauntleroy a real job long ago, so he wouldn't be so burdened, at this rather late stage in life, with this terrible existential ennui.
Hey! Where's OUR pork?! Halton obediently turfed our annoyingly forthright newly-Liberal MP in favour of Harper's golden-haired child... and we've gotten bupkis.
I guess it's considered sufficient that Her Majesty was anointed as a cabinet minister, thus guaranteeing her perpetual absence from her own riding.
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