Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Clash Of The Titans!

Did another bloggers panel on the Coren Show today. It will be on tonight at 6:00 PM and then again tomorrow at 12:30 PM. Today I was paired with the Calgary Grit--Dangerous Dan Arnold--and pitted against designated wing-nut Andrew Lawton and Derek Fildebrandt of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. Michael Coren was, of course, our most cordial host.

Our conversation ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous, with Dan and I responsible for most of the sublime bits, and Andrew almost single-handedly covering the ridiculous end of things.

I won't get a chance to see it tonight, as I'm off to see this guy. I felt pretty relaxed during the taping but don't know if that was a plus or not.


Jerome Bastien said...

Well done BCL I'll try to catch it.

On a different note, I couldnt help but notice that Ti-Guy hasnt commented in a while. His comments being one of my primary sources of workplace entertainment, this is not a welcome development. I hope he's ok.

bigcitylib said...

I've been wondering about TG myself.

Reality Bites said...

Luv ya, BCL, but I wouldn't watch Coren even if you and Dan were naked and making out.

bigcitylib said...

I'll keep that in mind for next time, RB.

Reality Bites said...

So will Coren, so will Coren.

Gene Rayburn said...

now? What makes you think it just started?

bigcitylib said...

Sorry, Andrew, I should have used a less inflammatory term, like "yahoo".

Southern Quebec said...

"I'm a wingnut now? Aw, I'm touched!"

That's what makes you a wingnut, Andrew...

CanadianSense said...

Andrew likes hear himself but Dan got the smackdown by Coren.

Maternal health to Population control of brown babies, ouch.

A little research next time could have avoided that public humilation.

Michael Coren has talked about the myth and over population BS from the left.

Good job in keeping you head down low and not trying to confront the host, it would have ended ugly. MC knows his stuff and thats why the left can't stand his show.