Friday, September 14, 2007

George W. Signals His Boss

Here's Bush and wife flashing the "Satan sign" at a 9/11 ceremony yesterday. Sure he's claiming its the "Hook 'em Longhorns!" gesture they give at the University of Texas , but Judi Mcleod of Canada Free Press knows better:

The Horned Hand or Mano Cornuto is a satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups.

Oddly enough, on this occasion I'm inclined to believe her.


Anonymous said...

I'm giving you the one-fingered salute right now. What does that mean?

bigcitylib said...

It means your number one.

Mike said...

I wonder what that "666" tattoo on his head means?

Oddly, I read a few years back about a cult of Xtians that actually think Dubya IS the anti-Christ and they are waiting for the Rapture.

Anonymous said...

If it was any other source I'd be skeptical, but isn't this the same periodical that publishes the eminent Timothy Ball?

Anonymous said...

Small amusements for even smaller minds.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on limb and guess that John Tory didn't say anything stupid today.

Anonymous said...

...yeah, it`s the same periodical that publishes Timothy Ball. It`s the same publication - same author dammit - that claims the Mob framed Al Queda for September 11th terrorist attacks.

When will Judi McLeod check herself into a local mental health clinic? Enough, already Judes...

Note to BigCityLib... thanks for keeping tabs on this woman`s gems of lunacy. I`m glad there`s a website (or two) out there that picks out her nuttiest articles for those of us who need our ``Judi McLeod is nuts`` fix. Don`t envy you having to read everything she types, but dammit man, it`s in a good cause.