Members of The Resistance--whose name sounds more heavy metal than Christian, but never-mind--believe in the Illuminati, and believe George W. Bush is part of it. They also argue that Jessica Simpson is a slut because she "dances like a stripper" and "kisses Willie Nelson" in her video for "The Dukes Of Hazard".
Okay, so maybe they've got a point on that one. I could never condone kissing Willie Nelson.
As for the Starbucks logo, it definitely does NOT make me hot. You'd think a mermaid, having to swim around all day, would be a bit more toned in the upper body. This particular fish chick looks downright flabby.
PS. I'm off to the nation's capital for the next couple of days. However, I will be taking the laptop and our hotel has free wifi. We'll see if I can get anything written. As always, any tips re Ottawa bookstores is welcome. We're right downtown this time, so I plan to do a top to bottom bookstore walkabout over the weekend.
As much as we may not want to think about it or see it, Willie Nelson needs lovin' too...
(shh....don't tell Charles McVety)
Boy, they must have studied the label really hard.
Is that really a mermaid? Since when do mermaids have two separate appendages? And who knows if mermaids even have their genitals there?
Man, you'd have to do a lot of research and engage in a lot of thinking to finally conclude that that image is dirty. Talk about sexually obsessed.
How many uber-Christians go to Starbucks anyway? They tend to attract the young hipster crowd.
I predict this will be as effective as the Disney boycott was.
Um. This logo is not new. Its the original logo. Now they are outraged, whats it been now only 37 years since its creation.
The problem with these people is they need to find work because they have way too much time on their hands.
The image doesn't even feature a nip, for God sakes...that's one of the lines between what could be filthy and what isn't.
...and SUZANNE, I know you're lurking, so stop reading this. You know how this kind of thing upsets you...
Did they ever look at Biblican artwork?
Octopus books on 2nd or thrd and bank (I forget which) and Book Bargains, at the corner of Bank and James.
To be fair, Jessica Simpson does dance like a stripper in that video. I'm okay with that myself.
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