Today Michael Geist is reporting the same kind of scatter-shot responses from the company over this issue, and not just from the schmoes on the help-line. Even their VPs can't get the story straight. Michael writes:
What is a consumer to think when the company's website says nothing about the issue but promotes its services as offering "blistering speed for sharing large files and much more", while personnel alternately say that Rogers bandwidth shapes, doesn't traffic shape, prioritizes traffic, and/or reserves space for some traffic?
What indeed? Perhaps that Rogers sucks.
I've got Rogers and there's no question that it's throttling. Youtube is barely usable for me.
Rogers . . choking your chicken for you.
They restrict certain programs such as bittorrent, etc by limiting upload/download speed.
I spoke with someone months ago and this tech guy came clean with me.
I was quite pissed that the speeds they quote I have is not actually what I get. Nowhere close to what I actually get.
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