Unlike other groups in the “movement,” the Guard does not exist completely online, where it’s safer – as long as you’re careful not to contravene anti-hate laws – and easier to reach more people.
These skins are not afraid to show their true colours, taking to the streets at annual “white pride” rallies, tossing Molotov cocktails through the windows of anti-racists (no good communists?), planting a pipe bomb or two on the doorstep of wayward former members.
What makes them think they can get away with it?
Enter Levant. The former Reformer and Canadian Alliance disciple has been flogging that canard pretty hard ever since the Standard, his news and views mag (now online only) republished the infamous Muhammad cartoons in 2006. Talk about stirring an anti-Jewish backlash.
Is it any wonder then that groups like the Aryan Guard feel some measure of protection from the authorities, despite their blatantly racist views?
I would also note that in the run-up to the passing of Alberta's Bill 44, which would have in its original form rescinded the hate speech provisions from that provinces human rights act--a repeal which Ezra supported enthusiastically--white supremacists were actively trying to recruit followers to the Calgary area, arguing that after 44 passed it would become land of The Free for Neo-Nazis. Only after an Aryan Guard beefed-up with new recruits marched last year did the province back down from the repeal.
Even now Levant is writing another spittle-flecked appeal for donations to help him in his new lawsuit. Or will Kenney make the taxpayers to pay for it?
It's very troubling how many in the "public" Jewish community are forging an alliance with the Right and turning a blind eye to some of the elements included in the Right. But those people would point out that:
1. The Left has no problem taking the same side as Hamas and other clearly anti-Semitic actors who, unlike so called "basement Nazis," acutally possess the means to harm Jews;
2. The Left is behind BDS and IAW and basically is no longer clearly in support of the idea of there being an Israel altogether, whatever its borders; and
3. The federal Liberals tolerated an openly anti-Semitic smear on Bob Rae with it being quite likely that he lost the leadership contest to an inferior candidate solely on the basis of he and his wife being "Zionists."
When the pamphlets went out at the 06 leadship convention sliming Bob Rae, it was denounced pretty quickly. And I doubt very much the incident had an effect on his delegate count, one way or another.
I hope you're right BCL, but it created an impression, and points 1 and 2 remain, making it very hard for those in a community with long roots in the LPC to make a case to others in the community.
The Left has no problem taking the same side as Hamas and other clearly anti-Semitic actors
What evidence can you provide to back this up?
and basically is no longer clearly in support of the idea of there being an Israel altogether, whatever its borders;
What evidence can you provide to back this up?
The federal Liberals tolerated an openly anti-Semitic smear on Bob Rae...
What evidence can you provide that suggests the federal Liberals tolerated this attack, which, if memory serves, could not be attributed to anyone specific?
with it being quite likely that he lost the leadership contest to an inferior candidate solely on the basis of he and his wife being "Zionists."
How do you arrive at this conclusion?
making it very hard for those in a community with long roots in the LPC to make a case to others in the community.
By those in the community, do you mean people such as yourself?
You know, this always comes off as a threat: "Back off Israel or we'll all vote Conservative and then you'll be sorry."
It's almost anti-semitic, when you think about it.
Why do so many extremists originate from Ontario?
Kyle McKee is a fine product of Ontario's public education system.
Convicted eco-terrorist Liebo Ludwig hails from Ontario too.
And the Toronto 18? All fine Ontario boys.
Takes a lot of gall BCL to post such a frivolous article on the same week another T18 member gets a slap on the wrist.
Clean up your own backyard and quit expecting other provinces to deal with your violent fanatics.
It's very simple--BDS and IAW are creations of activists on the Left-is this statement even remotely in dispute?
Those activists tend to reduce Israel to its conflict with the Palestinians, resisting any and all attempts to put Israel in its full context (or "rebrand" it) and tend to view Israel alone as responsible for that conflict. The misdeeds of Hamas and its ilk are tuned out and minimized, with Israel bearing the responsibility for whatever happens. Is this summary incorrect? Go to a march and you'll see people on the Left, not people on the Right, including in some cases the flags and other symbols of organizations devoted to Israel's destruction. Funding for IAW includes organizations like CUPE, and not any right leaning organziations.
What I'm describing has more to do with the NDP than the Libs, but by the same token it has more to do with the Libs than with the Conservatives, which is why the latter tried to use this as a wedge issue with their notorious flyers.
Of course I don't know how many votes Bob Rae lost because of a clearly organized campaign to brand him as unfit due to he and his wife being "Zionists." Given that there clearly existed an organized campaign that was busted only because someone went up to Arlene herself, it's obvious that others were approached who didn't recoil in horror and "out" these people. I think it's reasonable to assume that those people found the pitch inoffensive, at a minimum, and perhaps persuasive. Clearly there are those who would like the LPC's position re: the ME to be different-do you disagree?
I suppose Ti-Guy that if a political party took a position against affirmative action or against equality for women you'd be equally outraged if members of that party who affilaited with those groups noticed the policy and wondered how the hell they were going to campaign for that party in their communities.
Clean up your own backyard
We did. That's why they all moved to Alberta and were greeted with open arms by Albertan stalwarts such as Ezra Levant. Hey, there's only so much we can do in a country that guarantees residential/mobility rights.
As to why so many of them are Ontarian, what statistic can you refer to that supports this? Alberta has its own, homegrown history of flirting with organised hate groups, most notably the KKK.
It's very simple--BDS and IAW are creations of activists on the Left-is this statement even remotely in dispute?
Read my comment again. I didn't dispute that part.
Given that there clearly existed an organized campaign that was busted only because someone went up to Arlene herself, it's obvious that others were approached who didn't recoil in horror and "out" these people. I think it's reasonable to assume that those people found the pitch inoffensive, at a minimum, and perhaps persuasive.
So, instead of acknowledging you have no evidence, you're choosing to make additional baseless assertions? Very weak.
Clearly there are those who would like the LPC's position re: the ME to be different-do you disagree?
I dunno. What is the LPC's position re: the ME these days? Traditionally, it was "Canada as honest broker," but even that's become anti-semitic, has it not?
I suppose Ti-Guy that if a political party took a position against affirmative action or against equality for women you'd be equally outraged if members of that party who affilaited with those groups noticed the policy and wondered how the hell they were going to campaign for that party in their communities.
You have to prove to me first that the assertions you made earlier are grounded in fact before I can deal with this particular hypothetical, which, as it stands now, is irrelevant.
LOL Ti. You sure are cleaning up your backyard with the Toronto 18. Might as well hang a Welcome sign for terrorists at Pearson Airport.
Next the OHRC will be awarding money to the terrorists for the indignities they've suffered.
A few words about the Convention. I toyed with supporting Rae... even though I was with Iggy... Reason I didn't go is the same reason almost all Liberals who didn't, didn't - the "legacy" of an NDP provincial government in Ontario during a recession. Rightly, or wrongly, we felt that this would be an issue to hamstring him during a snap election, and it would be better that he become "seasoned" as an MP and critic on the Liberal benches before ascending to the leadership. A lot of Liberals on the center-right felt uncomfortable with what they thought Rae's fiscal policies would be.
On the leaflets which were circulated by some anonymous source (leaflets which no-one I knew saw - including myself): there was a fairly accurate rumor that these were distributed by Conservative shite-disturbers, as many of these people were seen on the fringes of the convention. They were not paid attendees, or invited "guests". The convention center was open to public access, and one could walk into one of the many gates - particularly towards the subway - without any questions asked.
Actually, Alberta's flirtation with the KKK in the 1920s or 1930s was limited, at least partly because the editors of the local newspapers united against it. The KKK did better in Saskatchewan.
Ti-Guy, you don't really think I'm going to subject myself to cross examination by you, do you? ;)
I will say that I too don't know what Liberal policy is today. But given your reference to an "honest broker" role, which has been our historical role, it's reasonable to ask how you play an honest broker between two parties when one of them (Hamas) has a Charter and platform to eliminate the other, contrary to international law and various UN resolutions, as well as an unabashedly anti-Semitic Charter. Hamas wants a Muslim country from the river to the sea, governed by sharia law. Sounds to me like more than a "you say a foot, you say six inches, let's compromise" type of problem.
As for IAW, Iggy has been pretty clear-he noted during IAW last yea: “International law defines ‘Apartheid’ as a crime against humanity. Labeling Israel an ‘Apartheid’ state is a deliberate attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the Jewish state itself.”
Ti. You sure are cleaning up your backyard with the Toronto 18. Might as well hang a Welcome sign for terrorists at Pearson Airport.
And just what are you doing to prevent a similar event from occurring in your precious Alberta?
You're hopelessly confused, Paulie. Doing anything about potential criminals is the responsibility of security and intelligence services. Fighting public campaigns that aim to stigmatise groups of people and ramp up hatred are the responsibility of good Canadian citizens. And I'm not talking abou the Aryan Guard here. I'm talking about Ezra Levant.
"It's very troubling how many in the 'public' Jewish community are forging an alliance with the Right and turning a blind eye to some of the elements included in the Right."
So, Marky Mark is very, very, very troubled indeed by the neo-Nazi movement in Canada. And that's' why he spends so much time trying to distract people's attention away from it.
So what's the idea here exactly? That neo-Nazism is acceptable as long as Hamas exists? Or that the best way to counter a bunch of Muslim extremists is with a bunch of white supremacist extremists?
-- bi
None of the above. The way to fight against a tendency on the Left to ally with human rights abusers and rejectionists is to do so on democratic liberal principles which have stood the test of time.
Ti-Guy, you don't really think I'm going to subject myself to cross examination by you, do you? ;)
Just so long as you don't expect me to engage you in a discussion about Israel. You can go back to Dawg's and do that.
All I have to say is I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back and allow a minuscule cabal of right wing liars and blood-thirsty war-mongers dictate Canadian foreign policy and subject the rest of us to emotional blackmail in their attempt to do so.
Actually, Alberta's flirtation with the KKK in the 1920s or 1930s was limited, at least partly because the editors of the local newspapers united against it. The KKK did better in Saskatchewan.
Alberta, Saskatchewan, c'est toute la même chose, c'est aussi platte. ;)
I asked:
"So what's the idea here exactly? That neo-Nazism is acceptable as long as Hamas exists? Or that the best way to counter a bunch of Muslim extremists is with a bunch of white supremacist extremists?"
Marky Mark answers:
"None of the above. The way to fight against a tendency on the Left to ally with human rights abusers and rejectionists is to do so on democratic liberal principles which have stood the test of time."
I think I get it. You're saying that way to fight neo-Nazism is to ignore it and go after Hamas, and only after that's done are we allowed to go after the neo-Nazis.
And by "democratic liberal principles" I think you're referring to the right to use diversionary tactics, the right to concern troll, and the right to post fact-free assertions? No doubt, these rights have truly stood the test of time!
-- bi
um...is anyone actually in favour of neo-Nazis in Canada other than the neo-Nazis? And are they really a problem in Canada that isn't being handled by law enforcement?
Any why again are you banned from Dawg's?
Because I called his co-blogger a "vache" when she accused me of speaking from a position of "male privilege" when I argued that Sarah Palin's so-called feminism was a fraud, for which I refused (and refuse) to apologise for. At least, that was the original reason.
Now, I'm just not interested in anything most of the commenters there have to say. They say the same things, over and over again. So my status as banned is frankly, moot. I will say that I'm happy to be banned from a blog that puts out the welcome mat for Wendy "Indians Fuck their Daughters" Sullivan (RightGirl), though.
I have no idea what you're talking about with the rest of your comment. The cabal I'm talking about are right wing liars and blood-thirsty war-mongers, nothing more, nothing less.
To be honest Frank Bi, I really don't understand what you're trying to say or what your critique was of my original comment.
The BS coming from the brainwashed supporters of Con propoganda is very telling isn't it? Constantly combative, no matter what, without proof and facts. Not very impressive.
I recently watched a documentary on the KKK in Canada. I must admit I wasn't aware how strong it was here - the major strength being in Saskatchewan.
Also the stats on crime in Canada. The most number of hate crimes in Canada are in Alberta.
So, keep attacking Ontario there folks, we can take it. You can't. You think attacking other provinces take all your problems away? How childish
The BS coming from the brainwashed supporters of Con propoganda is very telling isn't it? Constantly combative, no matter what, without proof and facts. Not very impressive.
I recently watched a documentary on the KKK in Canada. I must admit I wasn't aware how strong it was here - the major strength being in Saskatchewan.
Also the stats on crime in Canada. The most number of hate crimes in Canada are in Alberta.
So, keep attacking Ontario there folks, we can take it. You can't. You think attacking other provinces take all your problems away? How childish
get off your knees
wipe the berries from your face
stop hanging around public toilets
get a job
stop stealing my money
"Why There"...in Alberta? Not many Canadins know that during the WWII there were thousands of German prisoners housed in Alberta. Most of them returned after the WWII especially in the south of Alberta. They anglicised their names as much as possible. The second languaged preferred in school is not French but German. Many of these people belong to Aryan groups.
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